Ill play my gamertag is Halfspeed. the thing is i can only get on at 7:00 pm so illbe a little late sry.
Shihuru, this is a noble idea, but stop advertising this in the shoutbox. Anyways, I'm busy on Friday already. SSBB is addictive. But this is a very good idea.
Also, I would have done this idea but I'm to panic about thinking everything has to go right. I just don't do it at all, because of the panicness. If I didn't panic at all, I would have done this already and probably have something cooler. But don't worry Shihuru I totally support you man!
Lol sure dude. but anyway, i was a little disappointed at the attendence for this week's CPF. The average number of players playing was like 12. Next friday we should have a full party going.
Lol. Nah, I was joking. But I'm gonna work with you in this ideal so we can make this better and not have the same mistakes.
sure, whu not...but there wasn't really any mistakes. Only that people weren't able to attend. And plus there are like the people who are always asking for party leader. i hate that!