The tunnels idea is great, must be very good for grenade banking across corners. That cage thing is purely original and helps the aesthetics of the map as well. I think I would really enjoy Conquest on this.
Looks interesting. I've only recently come into extreme contact with Conquest (With AZN pushing it down my throat ), and as you said, this doesn't seem completely conventional. I still haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing in my eyes; I'll have to give it a few play throughs to find out. Also, did you make sure that you didn't have any overlapping spawn points? We all know how much that can screw over a map.
i take it from the " " that you know that doesn't actually affect anything, correct? lol @ shishka's comments regarding that, if he'd even seen the vids posted with Verbatim, there were examples of players spawning at that specific spawn point throughout all 3 games. lol. thats neither here nor there though. Creep I don't think it would be so bad if the flags were outside of the map. Its worked before, and the flag never dictates how far the territory exceeds anyway. You still have to figure it out by trial and error, more or less.
Wait... Lights... you do realize that the whole "overlapping spawns" was an insult about the massive "interlocking/geomerging" comments around here, right? Or did that just fly over your head? And as for the flags and territories thing. I think having your territory fit perfectly in your map is a much greater priority than having the flag inside your map...
Actually, it wasn't. It was a joke regarding me and Creep's map Verbatim that was submitted to ATLAS, then denied by Shishka due to a starting point and a respawn point overlapping, which has no ill-effects on a map what-so-ever. But anyway, hey! look at that, we agreed on something (regarding the territories). Note this date in history.
Yeah, I was trying to leave a giant puddle of sarcasm there, assuming that people would step in it. Without my lack of "expertise" in Conquest, I would tend to agree with you guys as well. The flags don't need to actually be in the playable area, because that isn't really what you look for anyway, especially when the entire playing field is covered by one territory or another.
It's 4 scaffolds interlocked together to create the appearance of jail bars :0) You guys have convinced me to change it. I personally like to be able to see the flag, but ultimately it doesn't really matter. I think I am going to create something of a v2. Actually, I'm gonna make something more along the lines of an alternate version that adheres to the traditional aspects. I'll sit it right along side this version as a doppelganger of sorts, i'll let you guys know when I post it.
That would be awesome... I'm still trying to figure out how you can keep the aesthetics of the center while still keeping it traditional. I think the jail cell would be fine for traditional if you added a two-way so that they have a choice, if their team is already in the center they can jump in the cell to try to help, but sacrifice advancement... might work, I'm curious to see it work... You could setup 3 double boxes in a row blocking off the center 6 tunnels and then randomize 2 of them to spawn... then only 2 tunnels would be open per round... I don't know... just like the look of that, but still want gameplay to work... and also the whole weapons thing... remember that the "main path" in conquest is always the shortest distance to the center territory... you want all of your common weaponry in here (magnums, SMGs, sometimes spikers, etc) and your better weaponry on the opposite side while you are running so it is a slight sacrifice, very unnoticeable (plasma rifles, grenades, bruteshot, sniper). This helps for grenades especially cuz then you KNOW when you have grenades, cuz you went out of the way to pick them up. I'm sure everyone hates realizing that they picked up grenades and it is too late to use them. So keeping those out of path is good... I'm probably going to add that and the whole pairing of dual weapons together in the description as well. Whatever you do Creeping I would love to see the entry in our forgeoff so we can help you out and give suggestions...