Sandbox Punishment

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DEATHPIMP72, Mar 12, 2009.


    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    After receiving some feedback that there was a space you could drop into the containment area of the kill ball, I have interlocked some wall pieces into the area to fix the "bug" and updated the OP with a new download.
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Crap, I can't believe I haven't commented on this here. Sorry, Deathpimp. :)

    I really enjoyed the games we played last week. The spawns seemed to work pretty well for the most part, although my personal preference was not to spawn on top of the base at the beginning. This was the first map I've played on with a kill-ball, and even though it didn't get "used", I liked it's placement in the center structure as a sight reducer. Weapon layout was well thought out, and even on foot being peppered by the Banshee I never felt that decent cover was too far away. Great job and good luck in the Atlas submission.
  3. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
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    looks good, but hows it play without being symmetrical? hmmm. very different ideas than what i used on my sandbox forge but still good. check mine out and lmk what you think. maybe we could use some ideas from each other someday and forge a nice map together.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Big congrats to Deathpimp for getting Punishment into the new Bungie Mythic trailer :)36 and again at 2:42)! Looking forward to more games on this, dude. Hit me up any time.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Thanks squidhands, anytiome you want to run just send me an invite and I am down for whateva!!! Thanks for running the map with me and if you ever need any testers or anything else do not hesitate to ask.
  6. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    My favorite part of this map is how you've integrated the objects with very real concepts, such as the car wash (though, I prefer to call it the "hog wash"). If I recall, the death ball is supposed to be a power plant, right? Awesome in concept. I try to do the same with my stuff. I think it's important to do so. It gives the map a unique identity that far surpasses calling out "red base" or "carbine spawn." The map becomes more than just a canvas with objects placed on it.

    My only wish, Pimp, and it pains me to even say it, knowing what it would take to fix (the reason I hadn't mentioned it 'til now), is in an early version, I looked down on the whole map from the skybubble and saw each structure was not really aligned to the grid and, therefore, the map. I think it's OK for this map, but I would take care in future maps to ensure pieces are lined up carefully not just within the structure you are creating but in relation to the whole map. Playing on it, i don't really notice it, but there are a lot of people who would look to down your map or discount it. This could be a reason even though it might not affect gameplay.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    I agree with you 100 percent MADMAN. When I started this it was only my second time in forge. I had though about the power plant structure one morning and started to work from there with no idea to where the actual map would go to. The middle structure was the most important part of the map to start out with and then I decided to actually make it a good game play map also. As you said it could have been placed on the grid a lot nicer but it just was not a priority for me doing this map after I had the first structure up.

    Hopefully, sometime soon, I will return to forging in sandbox and make a map that is a lot "straighter" for lack of a better word. I find the grid to be a huge asset in forging but really did not utilize it to it's fullist the first go round. Thanks for the honest opinion though as it is something I intend on doing better next time.

  8. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    Of course, and I hope you know it's all in the interest of being constructive. It doesn't change the fact that this map plays awesome and is a hell of a lot of fun. It doesn't change that, within those structures, things are relatively neat and tidy, meaning they function well. More than anything, using the grid ensures fairness. It ensures the center structure isn't an inch closer to red base and, therefore, they have a better chance at, say, a rocket launcher.

    More than that, though, making sure pieces align in relation to each other helps you avoid problems down the road as you are forging. I think you'll find it MUCH more important if you attempt to Forge a map where everything is either touching or relatable in a sense that the whole map is one big structure. Punishment is more of what I call a "node" map. Every structure serves a purpose, but they are, in terms of geometry, isolated from each other.

    If you checked out the Forge guide in the Work place, it's something we stressed as being vital: placing that first piece. Everything you build in Forge is an extension of that first piece, so if it's off, everything will be off. In a "node" map, you don't have that issue. Instead, you run the risk of throwing off your symmetry.

    I love Punishment! Honestly, this is not something I could have conceived. Good luck on future maps, and if you ever need ANYTHING, I'd be glad to see if I can help.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Got to check out my map last night in the Mythic trailor last night and it was pure win. Very cool to see that Bungie took the time to look at some game play that was submitted to Atlas and put it into the Mythic commercial!!!!
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    congratufuckinglations, Deathpimp! Awesome job getting into Matchmaking! Hit me up if you want/need help tweaking and further playtesting for the updates.
  11. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I like this map, it has a very unique layout and looks very enjoyable. I would recommend removing the kill ball and adding something else. Just because I feel that kill balls are used too much in the Sadnbox maps I see now.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    ya know I hadnt played this until the other day in my first Work PLace customs session. Though I didn't know the map, it was still pretty easy to navigate and intuitive enough to pick up and play immediately. I had a lot of fun on this map, especially in the Hog an skyjacking the banshee, only to be killed right after I booted the pilot :)

    Congrats on MM.. looking forward to playing it in TO and Mythic

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback. Hopefully I will not get flamed to much when it hits matchmaking in May, lol.

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