This is a unqiue infection map. Its not like most infection games where the zombies die in one shot and you defend a single room with all overpowerd weaponds. No, in this one the humans start out in a small area and must defend them selfs as TEAM in order to surive, only one Zombie starts out but the zombie has 400% dmg resistance and a shield. The first room has a baracade in witch the zombies must break down in order to infect the humans. This room must be defended for 60 seconds then a bridge spawns witch brings the humans up into a hall way in witch they must crouch through. once through the hall way they must head down stairs into a celler type thing. Each room the humans go trough there numbers and amout of ammo weakens. Each room has guns just not as many as the last. The second room is a little more trickyer seeing as its smaller. once defended for another 60 second stairs spawn bringing them to a crashed truck room. in the Room there are meany hidden weaponds. then humans then jump on the truck and start heading through it. Once through it you arrive in the thrid room. This room has no ammo and must be defended for 1 more minnuit. This is when you normally have 2-3 people left once defended more stairs spawn brining the human up onto the truck and down to the final area. the final area is simply a open place with a truck in the middle this is normally where the last man will be found. Map Varriant: Pictures BARACDE BARACADE DOWN!!! Second Room Truck Room 3rd Room Truck Top Battle VIDEO [youtube][/youtube]
Re: Fall Back With Pictures And Video You should really rename your topic, you need not put "with pics" because all threads here should have pictures. Also I would try to avoid making walls of text, try adding some indentation and different paragraphs, it will make people more willing to read. The map on the other hand looks quite good, I like the attetion to detail, always a favorite criteria of mine.
Map concept is awesome but the map looks a bit messy. I have been working on something like this also.
I would suggest not to bump your threads, or triple-post. And, In the video it is really hard to see the text because it is black. The map has an interesting concept though. I will check it out later.
Looks like a fun map but for the vidoe i would change the text to white because its very difficult to see
This is really cool I think.. Many people try to do the progressive maps, but yours is probably best looking one I have seen thus far. I love the idea of the playing field constantly changing. I hope you try this concept again in the future and are able to come up with some really unique ideas. **thumbs up!**
i love maps that make use of the in-game spawning option and this one looks very well made i just hope its balanced enough