Vigor BY: KUBLUH THE FORGER and katanamark Vigor is a small asymmetrical map for Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, and Capture The Flag. It has a few weapons but not many. It is recommended for SMG starts Some pictures here for you. Here is an overview from the defenders base. (Yes there is a soccer ball.) Here is a overview from the attackers base. Here is a view of the attackers power up and power weapon. Inside the Attackers Base. Here is a view of the attackers base from the center area. here is the defenders power up and power weapon. Here is a view from the neutral room. Here is the backside to the neutral room. Here is a view from the sniper tower. Download Vigor
Wow, this looks really fun. I like the layout, and the aesthetics are great. However, I'm not too sure about the soccer ball. Is it meant to be like moving cover? Anyway, I like the map overall, so 8/10. Great job. Oh, and uh...first. Don't kill me.
Hmm well pretty good. Great aesthetics and interlocking. I don't really know about the SMG starts I would probably prefer a BR. And the soccer ball might be fun but it is a competitive map so maybe re-think that. Good map overall 4/5
Not the bigest fan of slayer maps, but this is something that i could not pass with out leaving a comment. You really did good on this map, and hope to see it get fetured some day. 5/5
It looks very good, usually i don't like maps that look messy but i can tell that you did that on purpose so i'm ok with it. So does it only use one side of foundry? Where does the neutral room lead to?
thank you, im glad you like it. I dont get where you got the word messy from, but im glad you liked it still, the neutral room leads to some stairs and a room at the top of the stairs. thank you, thats the second person thats wanted this featured!
Wow, that's all I can say. Very nice interlocked perches and ledges. Also, the geomerging is well designed and probably useful for gameplay. Very nice!
Hmm.. from what I see it looks like you put in a lot of work. Mind explaining the curved structure really is? A lift right? If so you've won me over. I love lift maps. As for the map itself the playability looks pretty intense, but I would place grenades differently. That's just me. Let me download it and get back to you with my thoughts. EDIT: Also, flawless interlocking and geomerging. ♥
now, why does this remind me of Solo's Stockade map? Never, EVER, gut someones map and use it as a template and keep pieces of it.
thats probably the first time solos got credit for stockade. he deserves it too, but the point hes making is you really should credit stockade somehow. this map, like stockade, has a stairwell, a lift tower, same exact objectives spots, and more. Stockade
Very good map man. I love it when people merge things into Foundry...adds something more eye pleasing to the map. Great interlocking too.
WE DID NOT GUT IT! we built ares from the ground up! KUBLUH built Bruttannica and no one liked it so i took the V2.3 and rebuilt it. i sis not do objective spawns he did. i justt did the back hall, the wall at the attackers base, the sniper tower, the back staircase only, and the center!!
we kinda got the idea of using half of foundry and a little bit the layout, BUT WE DID NOT GUT THIS MAP AT ALL, WE STARTED FROM THE GROUND UP thank you for looking though