
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by me_eb, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. me_eb

    me_eb Ancient
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    Immigration - Several immigrants come to get their green cards, however, there is only one green card. How do you determine who gets the card? Whoever wins this epic battle.

    Immigration is set up for slayer and oddball, due to its size any objective based gametypes would not work right.
    I suggest either 1v1 or 3/4 man FFA. 3 Man FFA has the level of craziness and hilarity that I find fun.

    The bottom floor consists of 4 open boxes facing each other. In the center of these boxes there is a bubble shield and above the bubble shield is a hole in the floor allowing people on the upper floor to fall down to the bottom. Two of the boxes have teleporters in the back (sender nodes) the other two contain weapons. On the upper floor there are two staircases providing a height advantage on those going through the teleporters and spawning up there. In between the two staircases is a floating platform on which rockets/shotgun will spawn. In the middle where one can fall down to the lower level an overshield will spawn. Also due to the layout most camping strategies are not very useful. If someone tries to camp on the bottom level then grenades can easily be bombarded at them from up top, if someone is camping at the top of the staircase trying to guard a teleporter, one could either go through the other teleporter, or the spawning is such that it is possible to spawn up top even if another person is up there. I prefer 3 man FFA because this way, almost always, two of the 3 are engaged in a battle due to the map's layout. The 3rd person also makes it alot easier to elimnate campers.

    I actually have 2 different weapon set ups for this map. One setup is much more competitive, with few power weapons and longer respawns for weapons (here) The other more hectic and explosive one (here) features:

    Hectic Weapons:

    1 Rocket Launcher [0 extra clips]
    2 Shotguns [0 extra clips]
    2 Maulers [1 extra clip]
    2 smgs [2 extra clips]
    2 spikers [2 extra clips]
    2 fire bomb grenades
    6 sticky nades
    1 overshield
    1 flare
    1 regenerator
    1 bubble shield

    This weapon setup makes for the kind of hectic and explosive "Holy Crap Factor" that one almost expects on a custom map

    The more competitive setup (here) has:

    Competitive Weapons:

    1 Shotgun [no extra clips]
    2 Maulers [ no extra clips]
    1 smg [ 1 extra clip]
    1 Plasma rifle
    4 Stickies
    1 Overshield
    1 Bubble Shield
    The lack of ammo and excess weapons makes this a much better choice for 4+ players or players measuring skill and competing.

    Screenshots: These were taken on the less competitive version of the map ( the shotty on the competitive version spawns where the rockets do on the other version)




    Its hard to show such a small map with screenshots, but i guarantee you will enjoy playing it. Although an update may be in order because the starting points can be kind of lame

    Links (again):

    "Holy Crap Factor" Version: here
    Competitive Version: here
  2. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    maybe you could give a better description of the layout of the map if you can'y get the screenshots to properly do it justice?

    I'll download this anyway, cause i like small maps.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The pics are a little big. Kinda of annoying to scroll so much
  4. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    The pics are too big and too close up.. Can't tell what any of that is in those pics.. besides a staircase leading to nothing. **Sigh**
  5. me_eb

    me_eb Ancient
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    Like I said, its difficult due to the size, to get far enough away to take a proper picture, however i will add a description of the layout.
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    this sounds like it could be fun.
  7. me_eb

    me_eb Ancient
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    It really can be, it has the kind of "whats around the corner?" surprise factor, and it kind of forces you just to jump in head strong and hope for the best whether it is going up in the teleporters or down onto the first floor. You don't know whether to be looking left or right, well its hard to explain but the map is a hoot.

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