This is a short puzzle map that can make many people go mad. There is only 3 total puzzling parts, but each one tends to take people 10 or so minutes. The map supports 4 people or the rest spawn randomly. I don't want to say to much about the map without telling you how to do it. Lets start with some pictures. this is the layout of the first room without the top. It is a perfectly symetrical 4 way place. There are two of these so even if you get the first one right you still have one more to do. 1/16 chance of making it through on the first try. you can't look at the reciever node to find your way. This room makes no sense? (I skipped the second puzzle part because pics give it away) the last thing is pallet hopping. (It is not imposible, just hard) jump from pallet to pallet. if you fall break the pallets to get them to respawn. not a good jumper, then there is always a puzzling way (hint: in the maze) once up if you can't make it over that is sad. victory at last. Map Download: Gametype Download: sorry for the lack of pictures but for a puzzle map you do not want to many. have fun and don't get to annoyed.
looks like a pretty good map but the only problem is the first room. People don't like the teleporters and hoping to go to the right place. They want puzzles that can be done every time if you have ether memorized the map or if you have mastered the skill needed and their is no skill in walking in a teleporter and hoping to pop out where you want. I like the rest of the puzzle even though it doesn't seem to bad. I used to make pallet jumping maps so that is a peace of cake. I will download and see if it is truly a puzzling puzzle. Chow! Golfer, your post is completely spam. You need to include why you like the map and what you think he could improve on. It is one of your first posts but please try to support and help the creater of the map.
random To get through the first room there is actually some thinking involved. yes you can just run around until you get it right, but there are two or three ways to through. You ever think of those random things bungie added in, maybe the compass on the assualt rifle. It takes me 5 seconds to get through so I know it is not random.