Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by luckiesnipes, Apr 8, 2009.
I was beatin Keys with the skull on Crows nest and look what happened. Write your Caption!!!
I swear it wasn't me.
i think cheif needs a breath mint
I can has my skull back pl0x?
"I should've eaten at that buffet."
Keyes: "My haircut is great!! kthxbai."
Chief - "Oh teh NoeZ!!!" Keyes - "Dun wury, it's gun be k."
chief:it was him girl:theres no one there
Judging by the position of his hands, chief wants to touch her boobies.
If her head bursts into flames, im outta here
+1, basically what I was gonna put! ^^
Keyes: Qhat the **** Cheif: KUMQUAT did it
When Medusa looks at Master Chief, this is what happens...
Damn termites...
OMG This isn't a costume f**kface!
O hai thar cheif...lets get a soda...
"Thats one hot skull."
LOL. Nice picture, "Chief is a Necropheliac."