Man, that guy is going to get arrested, or beat up, or both! I thought it was hilarious! Most of those people didn't notice the cameraman/woman.
Remi has a bunch of other good videos. One where he dresses up as mario and drives a gokart around town
Wait this is Orangeremi? EDIT: Never mind, I'm stupid and deserved to be beat to a pulp then doused in street salt.
That was hilarious. He should be the next Jackass. How come no one noticed the camera person standing there well I can understand the naked chick because he was in the bushes but most other times he was following the kangoroo.
I just posted this two days ago... anyways, it's still amazingly awesome. I laughed so hard I cried (just a lil bit)... lol
Fbu, I love you. I've been looking for videos like these, and now I have an enormous supply. This has one is great also. Holy ****, look at this.