Sandbox BlackHeart

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by last_chaos_7, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    This is possibly the best race map i've ever seen. You must have put a TON of work and effort into this masterpiece. Great interlocking and looks like lots of fun. Ill download tommorow when mythic comes out.

  2. Zorro

    Zorro Ancient
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    Yes and soo will I! This is so epic it is undescribable! Love it 5/5!
  3. higher one

    higher one Ancient
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    Wow man this is a really nice map... I wish I had the maps lol. The interlocking looks perfect and I like how you take peoples feedback and use it to make the map better =)
  4. SpoiledPAUL

    SpoiledPAUL Ancient
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    Yo, I really like this map, and I'm glad that you were inspired by Dream's Fire & Ice. Also, what is Chaos Racing, and how does it relate to or differ from Battle Tracks?
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    It is basically a little different than battletracks in the fact that you can pick up wepons but you start with a laser and sniper my two favorite wepons... I had to create a gametype for one of my groups for zevox for when we get bungie favs...

    wowowow what the **** how did this go to 1 4/5 I know 2 people rated it a 5/5 then I did and now it is a 4/5... ok seriously whoever keep rating all the maps a 1/5 needs to stop... all the good maps got taken down to 4/5 and there are now no 5/5... people seriously need to stop doing this crap
    #25 last_chaos_7, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  6. Hope4all

    Hope4all Ancient
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    Wow this is a 4/5 then what the heck is a 5/5 that has got to be crazy... i've noticed all the super good maps like this somehow all have 4/5... what is going on...

    Anyways this map is superb and has amazing interlocking great job make more maps lol! 5/5 oh and I rated it too and it still didn't change
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    The star ratings don't mean anything. If you don't know that then you must be new to this site. Some people just go down the line and rate the map 1 star. You can and should never judge a map by the stars. I think the stars should be taken out.
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Dude. Just... dude. This map is truly your masterpiece. I love it. Everything is really smooth, and the turns winding around each other is a beauty to see, and yields some excellent lines of sight for battle tracks. The turns are well made, and the shield doors are grav lift are placed well to provide the best aid possible. You added enough bordering to keep it cheatproof, which is a must in these kind of maps. I just love it. The only thing I would change is to try and angle the drop back to start higher so you don't hit the track at the angle you currently do. Several times I stopped short. Other than that, this track is wonderful and will surely be one to remember for the ages.
  9. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    well thank you lol. I tried messing with the angle and this was the best angle so you don't lose speed except the occasional time when you get unlucky. I tried to make it as best as possible but yeah... Also yes I love battletracks and I don't like to have bordering unless I have to. Thanks for the comments everyone =)
  10. holygod

    holygod Ancient
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    dude, wow amazing map... This blows my mind away I could never make anything even close to these maps I have been seeing.... this is epic!
  11. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Ratings don't mean anything. People tend to rate a map based on how much they like the person who made it, or what their rank is on the site, not how well it is forged. I can definitely assume that the people who do this are complete asses who have no lives. Take Doog Nit, for example. The Doog, his racing map, was rated 5/5 several times. Not to be mean, but that map definitely did not deserve that rating. People rated a 5/5 because of Doog Nit's popularity on ForgeHub, being the fact that one of his maps was already featured.

    This map, however, is near perfection. The turns are not too hard to conquer, while they are not so bland that the map becomes boring. The lines of sight are perfect for a neck-to-neck BT game, as you can get a shot off on someone near the checkpoint from many places on the track. The only problem I have with this map, and I have told you about it before, is that sometimes the transition to start another lap removes all of your momentum. I believe this only happens if you hit it at a certain angle. When looking at this map in Forge, I am perplexed as to how you managed to pull this off without going over the budget or running out of usable items. 4.9/5 because of one small defect.
  12. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    haha I know lol. I thought I might run into the item limit or something but I didn't and I still have like 75 dollars or something like that lol. Yeah you have to hit the transition from the end to the start perfectly wrong to lose you're speed lol. This track took me a LONG time and I am very happy with it =)

    Oh and thanks for the video!!!!!
  13. Chemical Wasp

    Chemical Wasp Ancient
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    By far the best race map I've played. All I can say is you better be making more because if you did'nt I would cry. ROFL
  14. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Yes I will of course be making more... The main hard part is coming up with a good desing. Right now I am working on one with KonaKid which I just started (he is the guy who made critical cruise). So far it is good and it has a pretty good looking design so we will see how it turns out later
  15. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I played a game on this yesterday, and it was ok. Forging may be good, but gameplay is definitely not the best. The greatest problem was: You could not see where you were going. The lighting makes this even worse. You should definitely take out the lighting effects, and when you make a race map next time, the next curve should not be a "surprise". Of course, everyone could practise before playing, but is that really neccessary?

    This is the only major problem for me (dont get me wrong, everyone in my party said so.). Apart from that, the map is is very nice.

    Edit: I just read the star problem, and I know that, too. Most people can not even read: It says "rate thread", and not "rate map". People who give random 1 stars fail anyways. Dont worry, the best map will be a four star map after a short period of time. I think the stars are useless, seriously.
    #35 Plasma Napkin, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  16. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    That looks awsome! But isn't this a bit like the mario 64 ice race against the penguin? You can cheat by falling to a diffrent section of track.
  17. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Yes it is intended to be a skill track and lots of fun if you know how to race becuase of all the drift turns in it. You have to be able to move the camera well and see where you are going otherwise you will probably screw up. As for the lighting thing you can see just fine idk what you're talking about lol.

    Also no you cannot cheat... you can fall to a different part of the track but that won't help you it will only make you further behind. I made sure of this

    Edit: Also as for the too hard thing I made it with the purpose of being harder that all the other tracks.. the hardest one other than this is back burner and all the other ones are super easy with almost no place to pass people unless they are completely horrible... I got tired of the laid back tracks and made a competitive one that looks cool at the same time

    Double Edit lol: But thank you for actaully racing it and giving a good review which is what is supposed to be done =)
    #37 last_chaos_7, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Ancient
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    Oh I raced it too! I kind of had the same problem with the camera turning thing he is taling about but after a few laps you get the hang of it. The forging is amazing thogh and everything is super smooth. I love it =)
  19. holygod

    holygod Ancient
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    now that I have raced on it the first few laps were challenging but once I got the hang of it it wasn't too difficult but just difficult enough... also my friend sucked at racing so it didn't go soo well for him... my other 2 friends were having a blast on this track though it is just so much fun and I love the power slide and drift turns!
  20. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Wow! Just an amazing map. Totally blew my mind with all the curves and twists...but, oyu can cheat...but it looks freaking awesome so what ev.

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