I've fixed up my maps quite a bit. Hope you guys like them. Civil v2 Full view: Main Base: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: same as before. Forerunner Architecture: Secondary base: The other maps should be up soon. Link to dl.. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=Mando Verd 0722
not bad maps, look a bit rushed is all...one other thing you could take into consideration. Focus on prepping one map to be released at a time. Map pack was a good idea but your not quite ready yet holmes.
Yea it looks wayy to open. Add a couple more bases or structures in the middle and some stuff around the edges for cover. maybe add another layer on top so it isn't just fighting on the ground.
I like how you improved the map. I saw the older version and it was pretty bad I'm not going to lie, but this one is much better. I like how you cleaned up the outside of the base, but the inside of the base still looks a little messy, I don't know if you meant it to be like that or not, but I would say fix it up and make it more of a flat plain. Some of the walls are still crooked. Also like others have said make some more coiver on the outside. You have an enormous buudget, use it. 3/5 EDIT: It's funny how no one noticed that there isn't a download link!!!!