GnA 2009 Wallpaper Side Project Sign Up & Submission The wallpaper project is where each person signed up will get an even area of a selected picture to work. (Example - 100x100) When everyone signed up is done, there pictures will be reassembled, and made into a wallpaper. As of right now the base picture is still undecided, so submissions will need to be made. The picture must contain no negative space. All areas must have the ability to be edited extensively. Picture must be at least 1024x640 pixels. If a submission meets these standards it will be added to a list at the bottom of the original post. All participants must sign up by April 17th. Sometime within the following week the stock will be decided. Once the stock is chosen it will be divided into sections based on the number of people participating. These sections will be distributed randomly. Participants will have one month from the time of receiving their section to edit it and send it in. Once all sections are received they will be placed together and the final product will be posted. Feel free to discuss which picture you think should be used, and submit other stocks even if your not participating. It would show even more of the Forge Hub Graphics and Arts community if we used a photo taken by one of our own members. If you take photos, or do paintings, please submit them. There is a separate section for user created stocks. List of Participating Members -Krazy Kumquat -eguitarplayer33 -Nightfire -Icecikle -arrrghSAM -cakeChart -LAXER -Kitsune -Katanga Askar -Draxfear -evilvillager -Pennywiez -Hotpokkaminny -RackemWillie77 -M.Jelleh -Huntar -Zerosun -Randal Scandal -SAVEXTHEXWHALES -Miraj -Silentshooter List of People Taking Additional Cutoff Pieces 1.Krazy Kumquat 2.Krazy Kumquat 3.arrrghSAM 4.arrrghSAM 5.arrrghSAM 6.Icecikle 7.Icecikle 8.RackemWillie77 9.RackemWillie77 10.cakeChart 11.Miraj 12.Miraj Stock we will be using
I'm glad people are signing up for this, I was hoping it wouldn't totally fail. This isn't just a sign up thread, it's where you submit stocks, like the ones in the OP, and discuss them. That way it's easier to make a decision on which picture we use for the background. Also... c-c-c-combo breaker
That could work, but the hills provide way too much blank space. It's a good picture, but when it's divided up it will be hard to work with. Nothing against the photo, because I think it looks great, but it won't work for what we're doing. EDIT- What do you think of this picture? Spoiler I didn't make it, but I thought it could have a lot done to it.
That's pretty good, but it's really small. The clouds in the top right might pose a bit of a problem when trying to edit them since their so monotone. This one might work too Spoiler There's something going on in every part of the picture. Even where there's just grass, the grass is a bunch of different colors. Plus the picture is big enough so that everyone could have decent portion.
so how will we be editing our area of the picture? i understand you will "cut it up" for us, but how do we design it? and im in
The picture is divided into equal sections. When you get your section you have free reign over it as long as the original picture is still there. For example you can't get your square, and just put another picture over it. If anyone does that it will be rejected and either left blank, or given some simple lighting effects and put in the main picture.
Sign me up! I was thinking about a GnA montage since what Kitsune said in the first FH wallpaper thread yestoday. More like a sig montage though. Still, this is a good idea!
Sign me up I also have a question, do we just decorate the square as if we're making a sig (as in a bunch of effects) or do we overlay it with layers so that it looks cool?
You can add pixels, but the main area you get should still be recognizable. If you wanted to turn your section into a sprite type picture that would be fine, as long as there is a lot of detail. I figured this could be a smaller project, while a sig montage or graphics worm could be a larger project that would take more time to finish. You make it like your making a sig, or just make it look good. It's totally up to you. As long as it clearly resembles the original section, then you're fine. Everyone will be working on one stock, it will just be divided so that each person will have a section to do whatever they want with. Then the pieces will be put together to form the original image. If you meant you have a lot of stocks that could be submitted, then by all means, do so. WE only have a few right now so we can use all we get before we make our final decision on which one we're using. EDIT- I just updated the OP with pictures mentioned in this thread. Cakechart, I couldn't do yours because it was way too small.