MLG jerks.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Awkward Silence, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I think they're funny. I always look at everything on everyone's file share. All the stuff like "LANimal - Put this in your file share if you have a 5-star BR ON LAN" makes me laugh. It doesn't really bother me that much, and it never really has. I've never been sent that "Carried" one, but I've been sent the Bad 50zz one a few times and it's always by like a Strike Commander or Force Colonel... so I don't really even know what I'm supposed to say back. Gold bars make you rich?
  2. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    Lol nice.
    I think they are hilarious as well but i really dont deal with them as i play alot more MLG customs than playlists in general. Also you really don't deal with them at higher MLG ranks just so you know, it is all in the lower ranks where everyone thinks they are a god and most are under 13 years old. 40+ everything gets alot better. I think the LANimal one is the most hilarious because i bet 90% of the people that put them on their File Share have never been to a lan. Personally Ive never got the TRASH or CARRIED pics. I have been sent a message saying i was plain bad though when the guy who sent it went -19 in the Ons Flag game. I went posotive with our team's only flag yet i was the bad one, i just laughed about it and told some of my friends.
  3. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wow. Umm.... This thread garnered waayyy more responses than I thought it would. It's funny to see how people deal with these guys. Blood Fire's response was particularly hilarious. It's also interesting how these guys are universally recognized as being really, really lame. They're the only ones who think they're good. Jerks.
  4. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    I don't really worry about it. Those jerks are a very small percentage of the MLG community. In fact none of them ever post on the MLG forums, let alone even know what is. They most likely don't watch the events seeing how they think it's all people trashing each other (when really it's really fair and nice game play, shake hands afterwards all that).

    What I do at the end of a game is I just say good game. No matter, win, lose, lag, or trash talking I will say good game and they never know what to say after that. The worst comment I've gotten back from that was "No it wasn't". Not only does it put them in their place, it makes you feel better and will relieve stress.

  5. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    You see, there are MLG players that are good, and sometimes talk trash. And then there are MLG players that blow ****, but think there good, and talk trash. Those people are usually stuck at a 30 - 40 in MLG and have about 100 EXP in it. And when you ask them,
    "Yo, if you are sooo good, why can't you get past your 35."
    "Its not me man, I get shitty Team mates, I hate randoms"

    So in turn, this is my solution. Play the kid 1v1, and just say its a warm up. (I really only do this for fun when I'm bored) Once you beat him about 15 - 2/1 or maybe even 0. He's going to start talking about how he did really bad, and how hes so much better in Team games. So then you go to the MLG playlist and look at his rank, and if he fits the Critiria stated above, you ask him the same question. If he replies with 'I hate randoms' somewhere in there, just say,
    "What if your the Random?"

    For there on, you can just mess with the kid, its fun.

    But if you happen to meat a 'Random' in Matchmaking MLG, just mute him, or tell him 'Let the stats speak for themselves'. But keep calling out, and supporting your Team so you can get the win, and the trashtalk.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    They aren't all jerks but a good deal of them are. When I play, I just laugh about how seriously they take the game. It is sooo funny. and they tell you to shut up and you just keep laughing.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    There will be jerks in every part of life. Ignore them and move on.
  8. High Impact

    High Impact Ancient
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  9. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    My response to that would be, if you were truly MLG, you'd have a team, or have plenty of friends to play with and wouldn't have to go in by yourself.

    Also, in my experience, if your blaming your teammates, you're most likely the problem. A lot of the time when I'm blaming my teammates, I'm not playing in my best game. On the other hand, there are plenty of times where I'm the best on my team, head and shoulders over the others. That sucks but get over it. Find some friends and quite your bitching.
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I just.


    Kill them all.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    YES. DRASTICALLY. And yet, people choose to play on settings such as underground which clearly state in the description that you will meet people who swear and are really into the games they play. Just pull up the dashboard guys, switch your settings, and stop bitching about meeting people that you apparently want to play with.
  12. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    I just say to them, "Yo, shut the F**k up, it's a f****g game, get over it!"
    Or sometimes i send them vulgar and hateful messages concerning their mother, my bed, and last night... HAHA lol... jk!
    But i just 'accidentally' betray them and then fail the team, they get soooooo pissed!
  13. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Pft. Okay, no need to be all pissed off about it. Since everyone is asking you about how that changes the people you meet, they (including me,) obviously didn't know that worked, nor do we apparently want to play with them.
  14. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    These "jerks" are partly the reason don't really play MLG as much as I used to. It doesn't really matter to me if they really are better than me and say stuff, it's pointless and makes them look like all they care about is Halo.
  15. LKT_Spartan

    LKT_Spartan Ancient
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    Awww you mad ?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I usually betray them.
  17. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    grab the weapon there going for (usualy sniper) then headshot them and scream in your mike BOOOOOOOOOOOM HEADSHOT! It's imature but the results are always hilarious. Our annoy them so they start betraying you, then boot them. Teabag infront of them, steal kills, get them to low shields with grenades. ect.
  18. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Holy grave-dig post batman! :O

    Really this thread is just a huge display of stereotypes. Just because someone is rude and vulgar does not mean they're MLG fans.
  19. Silent Engage

    Silent Engage Ancient
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    I don't see why you're all upset about it. And I find it rather insulting that some people think that all people who are high in MLG are jerks. I'm a 48 in MLG (not bragging just saying) and I'm probably one of the nicest players out there. Granted that as long as you're trying to win and trying to help your team win. If you're purposely going into the MLG playlist (which I don't play much anymore I'd rather do MLG Customs) and trying to **** your team over I'm going to be pissed.

    But who cares if people call you shitty? If you're in the MLG playlist expect to find players like that. Get out of the Hardcore category and go back to the other ranked games. And if you find MLG guys in there then they're "not supposed" to be there. MLG guys own the MLG category/playlist, casual/other guys own the other ranked playlists.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Look, I agree with you, labeling anyone who plays MLG as annoying and up themselves is pretty harsh. I'd like to think I'm (generally) a nice guy in MM, in gameplay terms I always try to help my team, keep and eye out if people aren't talking and try to fill the gaps in what I think they're doing, and by trying to be friendly over the mic etc.

    But you must admit, there is at least some reason why this stereotype has come up. The kind of people being discussed here aren't inherently linked to MLG, what they are is annoying people who are overly obsessed with competition and being able to point to some numbers to justify it and say "look, I am better than you", then take that as some sign of being a better human being. Now MLG is appreciated as the biggest name in highly competitive Halo, it's become a bit of an ideal of that, which is great when people follow it for the right reasons, that they enjoy the competition and take pleasure in watching incredibly skillful Halo taking place, or playing it etc. But the image of competitive Halo that it has is obviously going to draw a lot of these annoying people in, they are drawn to it because they see it as a vindication of all that they stand for, and they think that being MLG Pr0 somehow makes you a better human being in the same way as above. They are fools, doubtless, and I'd like to think they don't sully the good name of MLG and the people who actually appreciate the competition and want to enjoy things for the game itself, not just to shout at people for being worse than you. But there are a large number of these annoying people, and MLG is a meeting of minds for them unfortunately, so whilst I'd defend MLG itself to the death, I can see why people zero in on the MLG playlist as somewhere that is rife with stupid little children, cause quite frankly they're drawn to it like moths to a flame, pity the metaphor doesn't extend to them being instantly incinerated eh?

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