PRISON made by i2 ninja 4u and d4rkdemon !have to use with my gametype! this is a infection game of cops and robbers and the map is of course called PRISON human goal: the humans have to try to assasinate the two zombies or break out and find the power up and kill the zombies. but theres a catch the zombies have to prevent the humans from breaking out zombie golden rule no killing humans for no good reason Watch Box one zombie spawns in the watch box and he can watch all the prisonors. and if he wants there is a small gap in the roof to get in the prison Pics prison cells (human spawn) watch box (1 zombie spawn) stair way (only one can fit and notice small gap) turn right at stairs and go to the showers turn left and end up at the chiefs office (one zombie spawn) the makers wheelie!! enjoy! thank you everyone who tested
ok i like your ideo of the map but the last picture wheelie shouldnt be their. That should be your signature if anything, your only supposed to put in pictures of your map. Just trying to point out so you dont get in trouble
i am going to put a link up (did you read the post) and i am not sure why but i have seen pointless pics sometimes too so i thought why not
lol no its just i dont know how to use haloscreenshots so i had to use photoshack so it took all my fileshare up i will put links in later ps: can somone tell me how to use
This map wasn't that hard to create more challenging in the fact it was space that made issues but we overcome that and made a map with it's fair share of interlocking and other stuff with has to be secert to public as they need to download it to find out =) i2 NINJA 4u
The map looks like it would be fun. Too bad I can't tell if it actually is because you dont have a download link. I'm pretty sure thats one of the rules about posting maps...and why do you still not have it up? why would you even post a map without a download link? EDIT: ok well three out of the eight posts on this page are from you. And they're all about the download link. Go back and edit your post instead of making two more. So im pretty sure that you're the one thats spamming. Maybe try following the rules next time.
*links now here* hey after a few people have posted about the links not being there why would you spam to get you a post