Tubees is a slayer map with a cool network of tunnels and lots of cover on top each base has a flying vehicle(red:hornet blue:banshee), missle pod, and some weapons. good for 6-12 players map link: Halo 3 File Details pics: overview blue base red base inside tunnels tunnel entrance HOPE YOU ENJOY! Halo 3 File Details
You could possibly put some mancannons in the bases that launch to the middle so that there isn't tunnel camping. it would also balance out with the flying things a little bit. Also, you should probably make both side have the same flying vehicle, because hornet is easily better than the banshee due to its hovering capabilities and ability to hold 2 extra people. so I would either make them both hornets or both banshees. Banshees might be a better option.
I like your map, but the hornet vs banshee situation hornet almost always wins, unless you are very good banshee pilot, you might want to make them the same vehicles. Edit: Damn Broflcopter posted just before me...
Cool map. Although you might want to enlarge the pictures a bit. Also add a weapons list because people want to know what kind of weapons there will be so they can get a good idea on the play style. And maybe either make it 2 hornets or 2 banshees. 4/5
I like this map but you may want to in some small cheater walls so to keep from falling off. It's annoying when it's right on the death barrier.