Most people say yes, some say no. I think that luck is the good result of any sort of chance. What's your take?
I think luck is something people think when a good or bad situation comes to them. So I believe there is no such thing as luck, but when something happens people have no idea what to blame or thank but luck.
There is no proving this. It's a matter of opinion based on superstition. Spoiler same with religion!
It's not widely known by a single definition. It's known as luck. Good or bad. "That's just some rotten luck" etc... edit: what is your point, it's still an opinion, whether or not it's known by a single definition or not.
Luck is simply when someone tends to have good or things happen to them or for them. We call extremes of probability luck.
Luck is just something to blame for a series of fortunate or unfortunate that are seemingly random or chance events. I've got no problem telling my buddy who repeatedly rivers me in texas hold'em that he's a lucky sonofabitch, but do I think that he actually has some trait or characteristic that is influencing these random events? Nope, not at all. Its just a scapegoat because humans psychologically are wired to seek something to blame for everything they can't explain. In fact, if there were such a thing as luck, it would no longer be luck because the outcomes aren't truly random or the chance is skewed one way due to this "luck" characteristic.
I agree with this. The dictionary states luck as the force that operates for good or ill in a person's life. I too think luck is used as a scapegoat as to why things happen.
Luck on it's own is just chance, usually positive things happening more often than negative, simply because probability can have any outcome. I think that when people associate themselves with being lucky, it is just because they appreciate things more. Usually if something bad happens, (e.g. you fall and break all three legs) you will remember that day as being negative because you will only remember the bad parts. However you could have the exact same day, but instead of a most terrible accident, you could win the lottery. Then you would probably remember all the good parts of the day instead.
The idea is real (if many good./bad things happen then you are considered to have good/bad). There is no luck, only chance. There is always a probability of something will happen. It may be one in a million, but there still is a chance.
Luck in my opinion is a series of right and/or wrong events that benefit or make worse your situation. What I mean by right is the event that helps you, and wrong is the event that doesn't.
I don't think there is such thing because no-scopes are either skill or chance but sometimes there are unsuspected things that happen that are either bad or good. I also think that its just a superstition.
Luck is the term used to refer to extremes of chance. So, technically, it is real and fake at the same time. Luck itself is real, while the term can be perceived as differentiations in probability.
We can not know the position and movement direction and speed of everything. So we just take what we know and think about the probability, forgetting what we do not know. The dice, for example. Throw it. There is a chance of it being 1/6 that it is specific number. Really? This is for our knowledge. In fact, if we knew what I mentioned in the beginning, there would be a chance of 1 or 0. (Just a few for the dice: Thoughts, gravity, surface, air...) Luck is a word to make people express when their hopes are fulfilled, and they were not sure that "it" would happen.
The idea that people have created in their minds exist. But luck itself does not exist. It happens or it doesn't happen. There is nothing improving the chances for something good or something bad happening.
Luck is not an actual driving force, it is... as previously stated ...just a term to describe the extremes of chance. Nuff said. ...The real question should be: "Is there such a thing as karma?"
I think we make our own luck. Oh, I also have no Idea how to explain that. I just know what it means in my head...
Something to remember is that when people talk about being lucky or unlucky they're only looking at a one section of a larger sequence of results. Let's say you're watching some nub play Halo, and in his game he throws five stickies, and every one of those stickies manages to reach its target. You might feel tempted to say that he was pretty lucky in that game. But looking at the larger context of things, you see that in his last game he only hit with two of his five stickies, and in the game before that only a single sticky reached its intended target. The further you step back the more things even out. But most don't consider this larger context because, like Ladnil said, people are significance junkies, we seek meaning in everything. I like to do horrible things to people and then justify myself by invoking karma. They get mad and I'm all like "Maybe if you hadn't done that bad thing in your past, whatever it was, this bad thing wouldn't be happening to you right now." They say I'm a jerk put I prefer to be called an instrument of fate.
Determinism teaches us that every event, including human cognition and behavior, decision and action, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences (think dominoes). A great example of this theory is the thought experiment of LaPlace's demon. Propose this fictional Demon knew the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe. It could then use Newton's laws to reveal the entire course of cosmic events, past and future. (With an assist from wikipedia). By reason of this theory we have no control over our actions or thoughts, no free will. There is stuff that is going to happen. No matter what. So You can't be "lucky" or find yourself in a "lucky" situation if everything that happens has a chemical and physical predisposition to happening how it did.