Probable Future Music Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This is slightly dated, seeing as how the chart shows Guitar Hero: Metallica as not being released yet. This is a predicted release chart composed by Harmonix senior designer Dan Teasdale, so some titles and their releases (especially GH releases) could be off.

    First of all, lets take a look at the strange and rumored Lego Rock Band. Check the spoiler for more info.

    While Harmonix senior designer Dan Teasdale had intentions of talking about LEGO Rock Band during his GDC talk, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: Design Lessons Learned From Rock Band," that obviously didn't happen. However, according to a PDF of an earlier version of the designer's session, the version "sent for speech approval rather than the version that I actually showed at GDC," according to Teasdale himself, LEGO Rock Band was planned to be announced prior to this year's Game Developers Conference. Teasdale's slides show that the game, rumored to be in development by LEGO video game development house Traveller's Tales, will hit in 2009.
    One of Teasdale's slides — which, when shown at GDC did not feature the "Lego" title on the time line — shows the game may be expected to hit between the release of Rock Band Unplugged for the PSP and The Beatles: Rock Band.

    A later slide, on the page following brief details on Rock Band Unplugged, a placeholder image for a "project to be announced before or at 9 AM Friday" is featured, which we're assuming to be LEGO Rock Band. Teasdale's notes on that slide read: "There's a project that I'll be talking about here, but it hasn't been announced yet. BUT - I will be showing it at GDC!"
    As you can see, Teasdale also lists a few Guitar Hero titles schedule to be in development, including what may be the oft-rumored Guitar Hero: Van Halen title and what appears to be Guitar Hero: Band Hero. Whether Teasdale's in a position to know Activision's publishing schedule isn't perfectly clear. What is clear is that Activision has plenty of Guitar Hero exploitation planned for 2009.
    We attended the Rock Band design session, but Teasdale made absolutely no mention of the LEGO branded version of the game.

    Guitar Hero: Van Halen
    Next, there is an even larger confirmation to Guitar Hero: Van Halen's release. We have now had Activision hint at it, Harmonix include it in a release chart, and several online shopping networks (Amazon, eBay, etc.) have reserve slots for the game. Sounds like a for-sure release to me.

    Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits
    Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits (GH:GH) has now been changed to Guitar Hero: Smash Hits, even though it is not reflected in the timeline.

    Guitar Hero Arcade
    A Guitar Hero for local arcades now has a speculated release window.

    Guitar Hero 5
    The already confirmed GH5 is included.

    The already confirmed Rock Band Beatles is included.

    Guitar Hero: BH (Band Hero?)
    There is a box in this chart labeled as GH:BH. There has been no confirmation of what the BH could stand for, but some believe it could stand for Guitar Hero: Band Hero. My personal belief is that this will be the 'major restage' of the series that Activision has been talking out.

    This means that there will supposedly be 19 Guitar Hero titles before 2010.
    #1 Shatakai, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I read an amazing article the other day...

    IGN: Editorial: The Year the Music Died

    Music games are becoming less and less interesting. It's nothing new any more. Yeah, when i first played the guitar hero, i was blown away. But now, with over 20 some odd music games out now, its just way too cluttered. I am cool with having a music game, but why does Activision and other music game developers insist on making a new game every six months. Just have ONE game, and release dlc year round. Sounds way better to me.
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    It's not other music developers, just Activision. Activision knows that as long as they make the games, there will almost always be an audience for it, so they just shoot these games out.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Activision is just really greedy, and no offense, but they are tricking people like you and others into buying every game they make. Its sad really.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Eh, they aren't really tricking me. They are just exploiting people like me. I'm well aware of them milking this series past it's breaking point, but I love the games just too damn much.
  6. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Sounds a lot like tricking to me. Well, maybe not tricking, but completely pwning your wallet.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    My wallet, he is malnourished. GH is like a tapeworm for me.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I wonder who goes and says "HEY! THIS GH SAYS METALICA, SO IT MUST BE NEW AND I MUST BUY IT!" And I thought GH3 was new.
  9. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Well spend money on unique and original games instead of interactive CDs.
  10. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I'm still waiting for GH to cone to there senses and make a guitar hero: A7X. Guitar wise, they're the coolest band I've ever heard. That'll be the only guitar hero I ever buy.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    While I have had every 360 Guitar Hero/Rock Band to date, they do seem to get kind of boring. I only play RB2 and I'll probably keep playing GH: Aerosmith and GH: Metallica for a while since I just go them
  12. rmc97

    rmc97 Ancient
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    A7X? really? I never thought that people would pin Zacky Vengence and Synyster Gates worthy of the title "Guitar Heroes". A7X has gone downhill over the years. Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet was awesome, and Waking the Fallen was a solid release, City of Evil was average, and I hated everything I heard after that.

    Now a GH: Lamb of God would be a FUN Guitar Hero addition. lol
  13. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Instead of making new games every month they should just have downloadable things from the xbox live marketplace. Actually they already do. But they aren't even adding anything to the games anymore they're just putting different songs on. Its so lame.

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