Forge-Off Welcome to XForgery's Conquest Forge-off! In the past couple weeks Conquest, a territories gametype created by AZN FTW, has become the first XForgery Official Gametype [XFOG]. Here is a summary of Conquest, straight from the complete description: The Task Our objective with this challenge is to not only reward you for your 1337 forging skills, but to also help popularize the gametype and provide more maps to the community for it. Forgehub has recently held their own Conquest Forge-Off with the previous version of Conquest, Conquest v3. However, one was restricted to forging on Foundry. So we are going to take a different route than our fellow forging site. You (and/or a max of one partner) are to build a Conquest Map (or maps, but you must have the same partner for all of your maps, you may not collaborate with multiple partners) that follows the map creation guidelines of Conquest without utilizing Foundry. And due to the release of the Mythic map pack on April 9th, we are also allowing you to utilize Assembly, Orbital, and Sandbox. NOTE: Sandbox will have less of an impact when the Top 5 are selected due to it's ease, unless it was REALLY well done for Conquest and unique... lol Contest Information You have until the 25th of April, midnight central time to submit your map. Your map must be posted here on XF following the standard map posting rules (such as having a decent amount of screenshots and providing a thumbnail for your map). A note for those used to posting maps on Forgehub, we do not have the ability to utilize HaloScreenshots at this moment and you must fill out the Map Post Generator properly to have your map work properly with our Map Search Engine. Make sure to select Conquest as a gametype as well as any other gametypes that may work for your map. If you are utilizing an authorized Conquest gametype (such as Heavy Conquest or Light Conquest) please select Custom Gametype and provide a link to the variant of Conquest (this is in addition to selecting Conquest). Winner Selection We will be following a similar process as we do for our featured customs. On Sunday, April 26th, the day after submissions we will post all of the submissions in one thread. In that thread you will nominate your favorite submission (you will be unable to select your own). From these nominations the supporters and above as well as the Conquest Certifying team will select the Top 5 of the nominations (NOTE: The non-nominated maps will be played and considered, but the nominated ones will hold more weight). That Friday, May 1st we will post a vote with the Top 5 that will end Sunday, May 3rd midnight Central. The map with the highest amount of votes will be featured on the following Wednesday with a video. The Rewards So what do you get in return for winning the contest? The winner's map will be featured with a video of it by our Affiliate Sour Grunt Productions on Wednesday, May 6th The winner and the runner up will earn themselves 1 month of Supporter Status The winner will have the choice between 1600 Microsoft Points and a 3 month XBL membership (for those outside of the US I am able to get you MS Points and Membership, do not fret) The winner will be given the "Contest Winner" reward (if you look to my side panel on the left I have a "Featured Custom" award) Bragging rights of course... For those of you who are new to Forgery, and there's definitely a few of you, here are the perks for having Supporter: Access to your very own Blog Access to the Supporter Lounge New color for your username The ability to change your User Title at any time A nice Badge by your Name A little extra influence in the community If you want to get access to Supporter Status without having to win, or for more than the 1 month, you can go here to Support XF. Conquest Map Checklist Here is the quick checklist that you should probably look through before submitting your map. Don't forget to read the WHOLE Conquest Description for more tips, tricks, and guidelines for your map. Here is the checklist, make sure all of these are a "Yes" for your map: During and After the Contest Here is a little something for everyone that participates. The Conquest Certification Team will be available to oversee your map to make sure that it meets standards. During the Contest they will be able to look through your map to make sure you are following everything on the above checklist. After the contest they will be going through each of the submissions and will do their best to help the creator get their map into the Conquest Featured Library. Examples If you have never seen or played a Conquest map here is the current repository for the maps posted here on XF: XForgery Conquest Maps Also here are the two maps currently in the Conquest Featured Library that display what a well built Conquest map plays like: The Cellars by AZN FTW, RightSideTheory The Station by AZN FTW, Ell3ment Download Conquest (v4) Submit Your Map(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------EDIT--------------------------------------------------------------- Anzwers to your questions Can we use previously posted conquest maps? Yes you may use previously posted Conquest maps, however you have to ensure that every bit of your Conquest map matches the Conquest Guidelines. Can we enter a conquest map built on any default halo map? (maps other than mythic) You may build your map on any canvas other than Foundry. ...why no Foundry? Foundry was utilized as the canvas for Forgehub's Conquest Forge-off, so because of this many maps already exist on Foundry and we do not want people submitting only maps that they have previously created. Also everyone builds on Foundry and we want to fill the library with some variety. How many maps may can I submit? You can submit any number of maps to the contest, but only one of your maps can make it to the Top 5. Note that when you are participating with a partner you may only work with that partner the whole competition, no one else. This means that all the maps you submit have to be by BOTH you and your partner. What variants of Conquest are authorized? I just edited the Conquest Description and the current authorized Conquest Variants are Heavy Conquest (200% Gravity) and Light Conquest (50% Gravity). Where can I download Heavy Conquest or Light Conquest? You do not need to download either of these, just change your gravity settings for Conquest. Remember to mention what variant your map is utilizing and follow these directions for posting your map: Why are you only selecting from the Nominated Maps? The non-nominated maps will be played and considered, but the nominated ones will hold more weight and give us a feel for what maps the community appreciates. Will AZN be entering his conquest maps? =P And why wouldn't I? Would AZN be the right man to PM about contest info? But of course good sir... For the contest, are you allowed to work on a map with another person and if the map wins, will you and the person both get the supporter badge and the other prizes? Yes you are allowed to work with one other person and if you want to submits multiple maps then you have to work on all of your submissions with the same partner for the whole competition. Both of you will get supporter, and both of you will have a choice between the 1600 MS Points of a 3 month membership. What qualifies as a "forge partner"? Like if I ask AZN to give me feedback on my map, like only on weapon placement, would he be my partner or just a helper person guy? You may ask anyone for feedback on the map, but I highly recommend the Certification Team (currently myself, ell3ment, and Coyote). Your partner can be anyone you choose, but it has to be that person and that person only for the whole competition. Also, AZN are we allowed to ask for your help if we need it? Yes... I am part of the Conquest Certification Team. If you have any more questions respond to this thread, PM, or VM me... I will make sure to add your questions with the answers here for the rest of the community.
Long read. I have one question and probably more later. If you win or another staff member wins will you be receiving the prizes?
If I win I will not be taking any prizes... well except the feature. I am the one buying the prizes for the contest and I already have supporter for a year... lolz. Oh and that contest winner award will look cool next to my feature award for The Cellars ... lolz. And we try not to separate ourselves as "staff" because the way supporter works makes them keep changing unless you actually do the donation. Most supporters are from Contests and Features and that only lasts a month. So everyone will be participating equally.
Alright. Another question. If you get two of your maps nominated to be in the Top 5, do you get to choose which map you think should be up there or will there be another vote?
I guess I forgot to mention that... it is the same system as our features at XF camo... we will decide which of your maps get in the top 5. We will be avoiding anyone getting two maps in the Top 5.
May I ask exactly why this approach to judging is being taken? Surely, when holding a contest to find the best Conquest map to play, what's important is exactly that, how well the map plays Conquest. Judging the map based on how much the Forger was working against a canvas kind of misses this point if you ask me. Say the final choice for top spot comes down 2 maps, one on Sandbox and one on Assembly. Now say that it's generally appreciated by those judging that the Sandbox one plays a decent amount better than the Assembly one, yet the Assembly one is picked as a winner because it is more 'unique' and 'takes more skill to make'. Now, I can see where the attitude comes from that, when someone makes a Conquest map on a map that doesn't immediately lend itself toward the gametype, they should be congratulated on doing something really challenging. But, when that's all said and done, don't you think they should be asked exactly why they chose this canvas over a more conquest friendly one (and SB is, to date, the most everything-friendly canvas that we have)? The attitude it seems to promote, imho, is "hey, let's make things needlessly difficult for ourselves and ignore the wealth of options that SB offers on some predication of skill and being unique". Now unique can be good, I'm not gonna deny that. I can demonstrate what I mean in terms of Orbital in normal gameplay terms. It's overlapped double - U layout is really different from other maps, and produces really interesting path movement and push/pull dynamic in competitive games. This, I think, is a good example of where 'unique' as a principle can yield worthwhile results in gameplay terms, bringing something new to map design and building that actually gives a boost to gameplay an enjoyability. But unique for unique's sake only detracts from gameplay, and seems more the attitude of a Forger who cares more about his own reputation than the quality and enjoyability of the map they actually produce, that they need to rely on making their map needlessly deviant in design and choice terms in a way which doesn't compliment gameplay, instead of making the logical choices and letting their map's gameplay speak for itself, relying on being 'unique' to get noticed instead. Again, unique can bring something great to a map by potentially setting it apart from other projects, but if this uniqueness doesn't actually bring more fun gameplay then what is the point? Also, I can see why you name SB as 'easier' in terms of the construction choices you have, but it seems to miss another key aspect of Forging: design. With a non-Forging purpose canvas like, say, Rat's Nest or Orbital, there is geometry already present (kinda the point I guess), your Forging choices are steered and restricted. You have a certain number of options in which to make your map work for Conquest, yet your not presented with the same Forging challenge that maps like SB and Foundry give: design once again. With Forge canvas maps like these two, you're presented with a blank space to Forge and you have to completely design and create the whole map from scratch as opposed to, frankly, having a good deal of the work already done for you. The effort and skill that went in to designing a map is a key aspect of how skillful the Forge is if you ask me, and working in a pre-structured map like Rats Nest demonstrates skill only in terms of logical problem solving imo, working against what is in front of you when, actually, there isn't always a logical reason to do so. Therefore I'd say that preference or prejudice toward any canvas at large again misses the point, the question that should really be asked is "how well does the canvas you picked compliment what you were going for?", basically, was the canvas used the most logical choice for the design you have in mind?. But, at the end of the day, you can cast as many judgements as you like on the choices the Forger made, but what really counts is the map produced, isolated from all other considerations. Basically, how fun is it to play? If I play 2 maps, one which took 5 hours yet plays in a more enjoyable way, and one which took 50 hours and is built in Guardian yet doesn't hit the mark, then I'm gonna load up the 5 hour one every time. And, again, if I play a map which I think doesn't play very well, then find out that it took 50 hours of challenging Forging to produce, it doesn't make me think that the map is any better, more that the person wasted even more time than I previously thought. Now I know I'm making a big fuss over a small rule, practically demonstrated by the tiny text used . But rejection of Foundry and SB on the basis of them being 'easier' has always irked me something rotten. Pick the canvas that works best for what you are trying to achieve, and don't look at any canvas as inherently better or worse, just as each suited to some purposes better than others. If the layout you have in mind happens to coincide with the layout of, say, Rats Nest, then of course use it as a canvas, you'd be silly not to. But, conversely, if what you want to achieve is not helped by the geometry of existing maps, then why would you avoid Foundry or SB? It will only hurt your map in the end. I don't want to come across and condemning your choices here, and of course you're the guys putting the effort in to this contest so you can run it how you see fit. But I'd just hate to see a truly great and enjoyable conquest map marked down because the person used SB, especially if SB was actually the most logical choice for what they wanted to achieve. I can see the logic in promoting non standard Forge canvases as choices to be used when they are fit for purpose, more people need to look at them as options, but alienating Foundry and SB (I know Foundry is disallowed in this contest for more legitimate reasons, but this relates to a wider attitude held by some that I've seen) only turns this same needless rejection of options around, and as a result misses the increased design and variation options that these two maps give, in fact they have much more scope to produce variation in map design and gameplay terms than any other canvas could. How different are any number of Conquest maps on Orbital going to be in comparison to the insane amount of paths and designs choices you can take in SB? At the end of the day, isn't what's really important only how well the map plays, how fun it is?
Very good rebutle. But the main reason that they chose to restrict foundry, and try to psychologically restrict Sandbox is because there are already tens of maps on foundry, especially after the conquest forge-off here. There are bound to be a plethora of maps on sandbox pretty soon too. Since there arn't yet, Sandbox was allowed into the competition, but with that note, I know the number of people working on it will decrease quite a bit. Also, it has been a goal of ours to get a conquest map on every canvas, which if Sandbox had no "restrictions" would probably never happen.
Oh I don't play down the reasons for doing so, and I too think it is great to encourage widespread canvas choices and increase the range of Conquest maps on each canvas. It was more the 'ease' comment that I took issue with, principle rather than practice. And once again I do have a great appreciation for any properly run contest such as this which encourages people to Forge, it can never be a bad thing, and I hope my comments didn't come off as a downer on the contest itself, rather than a discussion on the nature of variety in canvas choice as a more general principle, this was definitely not intended if so.
I dislike the mantra that a ton of Forgers, new and old, have been giving off lately. Sandbox doesn't make your maps automatically easier to make. Maybe it does, but Forging is still difficult to do right. Sandbox let's you Forge in bigger environments, and in different ones. How much time and materials would you be wasting if you made a death floor Conquest map like Chasm on Foundry, instead of Sandbox's Skybox? Like you've said yourself, use the original aspects of the map to make your new one. Where else are you going to find perfectly flat area to use as the ground? Foundry and Sandbox are the only two that have a vast, wide area available to use. Save materials by using the ground as the ground floor so you don't have to lay out blocks for the floor. I'm a bit hard pressed on time to finish this up, but as Pegasi said, it's only really important that the map plays good, and is fun.
I largely agree. I'd like a world where all canvases were seen as exactly that, different canvases which stand as different options. Each has their own benefits depending on what you have in mind, and each is fit for their own purposes, having the choice is the great thing about Forge (albeit one of the few imo). No canvas should be seen as inherently better or worse, more or less skillful to use, but as a variety of options where you look at them all once you have your idea and pick whichever lends itself best to your desired product. I'd say that SB and Foundry have more options and possible paths to their name, making them more common choices since you have more scope to realise ideas that don't fit in to other canvases with their pre-set geometry. But, conversely, and as AZN has always said, not using a non Foundry/SB canvas when it actually has geometry that could be turned to your purpose is just silly. But this is getting in to a debate on the subject, and much as I love a good Forging debate, this thread would be better served being free for questions on the contest itself. Now I know, major hypocrisy alert here, I started this discussion . But, whilst admitting my own position in this thing, could we maybe take this debate to a dedicated place so we can have it out on the subject whilst leaving this as a place clear so that questions on the contest can be seen and answered as quickly as possible?
I actually agree that it should be named differently, and if I had seen that similarity before, I would have insisted on it. But, to defend it a little bit, that is more of a Subtitle. We have a monthly challenge, this being the April Forgery Challenge, which is the true "title". Again, I will probably have this changed to something more......... unique. Thanks for pointing that out.
Yeah it's fairly general, but with members being on both sites, it would have been nice to have something different. Oh well.
Alright quickly on the subject of Pegasi/Nemihara/Coyote's discussion, just so I give my take before we end the argument. Foundry was restricted for obvious reasons... being that FH has already held a Conquest Forge-Off on Foundry means that there is an abundant of Foundry Conquest maps already. So we don't want more of the same and we don't want people just submitting something they've already made for FH's contest. Now as for Sandbox. I guess "ease" was a bad word. "Flexibility" would be much better in this case. Sandbox allows you to have an infinite number of possible layouts, hence the probability for a Sandbox map to win is very high. We wanted to stress that there are other options out there... utilizing what you know about Conquest's guidelines, can you make those work? A well made Sandbox map vs a decent but not superb Assembly map is going to win out. Everyone knows that sandbox has possibilities, but few people know that High Ground has possibilities. It's all about having people explore their options with their ideas. For example, my map is being built on Sandbox because I am going to try to eliminate one of the most frustrating things in Conquest, and that is entryway assasinations. When you walk through the door you should have a good view of everything around you and should not be assassinated. That has always been the thing that made me most unhappy about The Station and The Estate. And I know figured out a way to fix this, however Sandbox was my only viable option to do it easily in every entryway. So in conlcusion, we aren't intending to eliminate Sandbox uses, we are encouraging adaption of ideas in different environments. And since with sandbox you can make your own environment to suite your needs we want to make it have less of in impact. And Nemi, I know that just because Sandbox is flexible doesn't mean it's easy... I selected a bad term at the time I am changing it after this post to "flexibility". As for the name change I will try to come up with something... thank you for pointing that out chrst, I thought about that, but hadn't come up with anything then. So I would love to take suggestions for name changes from both communities.
Although I do agree that other maps can and should be explored and utilized for their possible uses in Forge maps, a great map is better than a good one that was done on a harder-to-Forge map. It's a bit like saying that you have a class of mostly average people, except for two; one who is extremely intelligent, and one who is somewhat mentally disabled. The smart one writes a beautiful poem, whereas the retarded (non-derogatory version of retarded) one writes a decent one. You know that both of them worked very hard on those poems, because they both have a yearning and love for poetry. Yet, you can only pick one to be the best of the class. Which one do you pick? The best one by looking at what's actually written, or the junkish one that was done to the best of it's ability? It's really hard to decide within that. In that comparison, it's saying that we should really try not to use Sandbox because it'd be too good in comparison to other maps. My opinion is that there would be two categories, one for Sandbox maps and one for non-Sandbox maps. Forging on maps with more complex baseline geometry is obviously a different sort of challenge that makes it so much more 'stiff' to Forging than Sandbox. By separating them, you allow the judging to not have any sort of bias towards or against one type of map. Sorry guys, for perpetuating the debate. It's a good one, and one that we do need to discuss thoroughly in my opinion.
Ok, point well made I'd say. I know you've always been one who tries to remind people that all Halo maps are in fact canvases, and not to forget that we have many options for Forge and not just two. I can actually see the logic in encouraging people to think more and reward those who employ logic to make their map on the canvas which suits it. That, along with your clarification of what exactly you meant about SB, has my argument all covered. Fair play dude. @ Nemi: I still agree that this is a pertinent debate, but personally I think that what AZN just said kinda pins the focus away from exactly what I was talking about. I now don't think he's pushing that SB is a worse canvas by any means, pointed to pretty solidly by his own admission that his entry is gonna be built on SB. Rather I now see what he's saying is that this contest is being used as an opportunity to remind people about their options. Whilst any map in itself should be looked at solely in terms of its resulting gameplay when deciding how good a map it is, the furthering and expansion of Forge is also a consideration, and if this contest is being used as a way to promote variety and real thought in Forging then I have no complaints, any maps produced that are maybe a bit lacking in the originality or variety department and don't win, they don't suffer in gameplay terms from not winning, they still have everything they had before.