AIR Citadel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by McDillard, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
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    Map Variant:
    Air Citadel <---- This is the link to the file.


    The Air Citadel

    The Top and Front

    The Bottom and Back

    Locked Down Base

    Inside of Supply Base

    Brief Description:
    It has a large, multi-level, well-constructed floating base, and a starting point ground supply base that is completely locked down except for a teleporter (to trasport to the floating citadel) and of course the usual standoff unlockable gate.

    Once out of the gate, there is a man-cannon angled up to the citadel's hangar bay. As a human you have to time the jump well (so the teleporter is the easier option), but as a zombie, the low gravity makes the cannon jump much simpler than an attempted assault on the teleporter within the locked down ground base. It's designed for infection, but would be great for other asymmetrical games too. As I mentioned, humans spawn in the locked down ground base, while zombies spawn in an open base opposite the map.

    Weapons are well-balanced, and the air citadel is equipped with 2 banshee hangar bays, 2 escape pods, and 4 levels for integrated combat. The ground base is supplied with everything you will need to survive, including 2 mongooses ready to tear out once the gate is unlocked.

    This is my first map, so any thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated. I am still looking to improve and add to it in any way you guys can suggest.

    Oh, and if you're testing it on infection, be sure to enable "map default" vehicles instead of "mongoose only"
    #1 McDillard, Mar 20, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  2. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Thanks a ton!
    The floating Air base idea is a little overdone, and Air Citadel isn't the most creative name, but I love the shape of the citadel, unfortunately, most people frown upon stockpiles of weapons, unless the map is some sort of mini game, in which case it is in the wrong section
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Please read the rules.

    Ah, Gerbil, you beat me to it.
  4. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
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    Gotcha, thanks, I read the rules, but I guess I scanned a little too quickly! I hope my edited post is up to par :) Thanks ahead of time for any comments.
  5. Xenomorph52

    Xenomorph52 Ancient
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    From the description and pictures it looks really cool, but where the hell's a link to the file?!
  6. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
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    Xenomorph: The link is right at the top under "Map Variant". The words "Air Citadel" is the link.

    Gerbil: Thanks a ton for the comments! I know the floating base idea isn't completely original, but then again, neither is the grounded base idea, so I figured I would do something I thought was fun for infection. I actually wasn't trying to stockpile weapons, but rather make sure each player could pickup 1 new weapon in the supply base, so I think there are 7 or 8 weapons in the entire ground base, and about 4 or 5 in the floating base. I'll give the name some thought, indeed it is a little unimaginative hahaha.

    Anyway, if you took a look at it, and thought there were too many weapons, I'll go back in and use more discretion. Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
  7. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    The air citadel looks like the ebon hawk from star wars!
  8. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
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    hahaha, that's kinda true. I had moments where I thought it resembled the star trek enterprise, but maybe that's just me.
  9. WD911

    WD911 Ancient
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    This looks a little sloppy to me, maybe you should take it down for a few days while you fix it up, then i believe this map could be a very unique idea
  10. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
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    thanks for the input WD, could you give me an idea about what parts look sloppy to u, so i can try and fix them up a bit?
  11. Xenomorph52

    Xenomorph52 Ancient
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    I played this with my friend and it's really nice, I just wish I had more people to see how it plays with an infection variant.
  12. McDillard

    McDillard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks xeno! Yeah the only thing I have trouble with is finding people to play test my map. Can't believe Bungie doesn't have a custom games search. Anyway, this map is just about up to 1,000 downloads, and last I checked it was at 5 stars. People have been responding really well, I think the only thing I see recurring is the advice to reduce the number of power weapons. I guess I put down weapons with the assumption there would be 12 - 16 players, so I didn't want to not have enough. anyway, I appreciate the input guys.

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