Burial Grounds: This ancient crypt is used to bury fallen spartan soldiers, but be wary you could be the next to be buried. Players: 2 - 6 Gametypes: Slayer(Team SLayer, Slayer etc..), CTF, and Infection. This is a symmetrical 2x2 or 4x4 Slayer, Capture the Flag or Infection map. This map is based off of the bases on beaver creek in Halo 2 and theme from the Gears of war map Mausoleum. The map is perfectly symmetrical for good Capture the Flag gameplay but still has those aspects to make it a good slayer map as well. The bases are mausoleulms with actual coffins behind the jail bars. Inside each base is a mongoose and a secret area perfect for sneaking up on people trying to steal the flag. As well as the secret areas you can also go inside each coffin chamber for alittle camping. To the right of each base is a mini 3rd team spawn area with a man cannon that shoots to the middle of the map so the 3rd party team is not at a disadvantage. The left of the base is more open so the mongoose can drive freely without feeling cramped. As well as the mongoose, the left side of the base also has a grav lift that shoots a player up to the top of the base where a sniper is positioned for across the map shooting. The red and blue bases are exactly identical so everything is the same on both sides. In the middle of the map there is a main structure designed to block teams from viewing each other right off the bat. The middle structure also is a grav lift tube up to the overshield which is at the top of the structure. Weapons on the map include: * 6 BR's /45 sec * 2 Carbine / 45 sec * 2 Needler / 30 sec * 2 Sniper / 120 sec * 2 Brute shots / 60 sec * 4 Spiker / 30 sec * 1 Sword / 120 sec * 1 Overshield / 180 sec * 2 Mongoose / 120 sec Inside the base The coffins Mongoose spawn Sword spawn Sniper Spawn Overview of the map Just to recape this would be an excellent Slayer or capture the flag map. This map took me about 6 hours to complete and test so there might be a few bugs. Feel free to comment but plz no rude comments. Thank you for checking out the map. Download here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details -Gamefreak1792
Hey man this map looks original and amazing, did you try to incorporate the feel of Beaver Creek, because that is sort of what it looks to me. Great map 5/5, will dl.
The map looks pretty good but like allot of map posts on forgehub you didnt show any gameplay in any of your pictures, i need to see the map in play
Whoa!! it took me a while to figure out how you made those coffins, sick idea! the map looks fun, and also well made. my only issue is the outer part of the map is a little bland, and i think that the "sword-circle" is a bit out of place. but anywho, 7/10 - not amazing, not poop, but cool
Yeah i would have had more but the item limit was full, if anyone knows how to get around that on sandbox please message me because it messed up my map design and the design of some of my other maps. But anyway glad you like the map and thanks for commenting.
I like it it looks like it would be fun to play on. I thinks its a little too open though. The sword circle thing is pretty sweet it probably took a while to make. Anyways nice job
I've always loved the cage idea and the ring idea. Very nice way to implement them into your map. I love the weapon placement, in some areas, too. I like the look of this map, I will most likely dl.
Wow! How did you ever make those bars? Great map. I love all of the asthetics you integrated into it! I wish I could play it, but think: only a few more days! 5/5 based on pics!
im glad to see more people using the cages and ring structures in different ways. the layout looks very simple, but ive downloaded it to check it out and report back.
this is amazing! i love the theme and layout, plus the cages and coffins look perfect! the only thing wrong is the sword and sniper. a bit overpowered here. take out 1 sniper and put the other in the very middle to give a risk/reward factor, take out the sword, and put in 2 extra carbines, and this is 5/5
Great map, dl, it took me quite a while wondering how the hell you made teh cages? but now i know ^_^
yeah i kinda figured i might overpower it alittle with the sword but i think it kinda works out since all three are at 120 sec respawn which should make it awhile before they spawn again, but yeah it might be alittle hectic in the beginning
i only say snipers are overpowered because you said it is set up for 3 teams. that means 1 team is at an automatic disadvantage at the start, especially since they go to the middle and are right in the crossfire of both teams sniper.
i noticed the spacing on your jail bars is inconsistent and one of the coffin rooms you are able to jump through the bars, but not all of them. try spacing them out by the width of one stone bridge, this makes it so you can still see thru them just fine but it will not be wide enough for a spartan to pass through.
Wow, the aesthetics are screaming, I have been seeing allot more of the jail-cells now, I'm actually that uses similar aesthetic ideas(new ideas). that's why I am so impressed with the map. You could flip the golf pin to make a grass like ground for the map it may work nicely. Nice work though, love the combination of competitive and aesthetic map making.
When I clicked on this map I thought that it was going to be a remake of Burial Grounds from Halo 2 but it isn't. This might fool a lot of people. Anyways, nice map! I like What you did with the coffins. That pole idea is being used by a lot of people now though.