The Master HandA Map by Zstrike13 Download map here: The Master Hand READ FIRST!!! Note: In order to get best quality out of map, you MUST download gametype located at end of page... THANK YOU!!! :] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can YOU defeat the Master Hand??? Welcome to Super Smash Brothers Brawl. The Master Hand is threatening the brawlers and must be stopped. Watch out as he blasts you with lasers and rockets or maybe even comes up close and slams you down. As a brawler, you must fight to survive for as long as it takes until the Smash Ball Trophy Pedestal appears. Activate the trophy to gain the smash ball. Take it to the hand and use the smash ball to finish him off! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the defending team, you spawn beneath the hand where you can quickly grab a sniper or grav hammer. Next, make your way into the teleporter where you will end up either on the top of the hand where turrets can help you defend against the brawlers or in his fingers where you can pick up either a Spartan Laser or a Rocket Launcher and use them to hold off the attackers. If you spawn in the finger, retake the teleporter to land ontop of the hand. The Brawlers spawn in the blue base with assault rifles. However, upon leaving the base you will find some rockets and battle rifles and 4 turrets, but not enough to truly defeat the hand. You must get the "smash ball" (bomb) to do that. Unfortunately, the bomb is unreachable for the first half of the round. You must wait for the trophy pedestal to form to reach it. When it does, quickly take the mancannon up to the pedestal, grab the bomb and run up the pathway nd into the teleporter to land on the hand. Now it the time to finish it off. Plant the bomb to win, that's all it takes. Of course, you'll have to make it past the other team... good luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I'm Zstrike13... this is the first map I've made that I actually decided to post on the forumns. I've been making maps since the game launched but now I decided to finally try one out and see what other people think. I will be completely honest... the hand sucks. It doesnt look that good. I know that. I'm not much of a forge wiz at making incredibly realistic and resembling objects... I'm more for making fun and interesting games with simple twists that bring the map to life. I am a HUGE SSBB fan and when it came out i just knew i had to make a map for it. I spent the first week it came out thinking of a good idea (when not actually playing the game) for a forge map. Then it hit me- The Master Hand. Alright, sry, I think I've ranted enough, let me get back to the map... Weapons on Map- BRAWLERS: -Assault Rifles-Starting Weapons -Battle Rifles-2 -Rocket Launchers-1 -Plasma Turrets-2 -Machine Gun Turrets-2 Master Hand : -Assault Rifles-Starting Weapons -Gravity Hammers-2 -Sniper Rifles-2 -SPARTAN Lasers-3 -Rocket Launchers-2 -Machine Gun Turrets-2 -Plasma Turrets-2 Gametypes: This map was designed specifically for One sided Assault but One Sided CTF would probably work well too. Download Game Variant Here: SSBB Assault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trophy Pedestal- The Smash Ball rests in the middle and bridge leads up to teleporter. The Master Hand- nuff said The Brawlers Base with Turrets on top and Rockets visible near lower turret Guy fires twin turrets off of base... THE SMASH BALL... GET IT GET IT GET IT!!! Plant the Ball... here.. Weapons on Hand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank You so much for reading- please download and play and then come back and comment... THX!!!- Zstrike13
Re: The Master Hand- A SSBB Game ok.. yea ik theyre big, its my first map up so i had followed the instructions on the tut on forgehub but rushed a little to get them up- long story short, i made them too big nd didnt notice til i put them up... ill go back nd fix tht now
Re: The Master Hand- A SSBB Game Looks interesting, if I ever pry myself away from Rainbow Six Vegas 2, then from Halo 3 Team Swat, then from forging, I will deffinately check this out.... I just have one question, have you playtested this map to find out if it actually works well as a competitive map?
Re: The Master Hand- A SSBB Game yea.. i tested it about 10 times... it does wrk well, the biggest problem i ran into was the brawling team easily reaching the plant after getting the ball.... its not a huge problem, just the other team not defending very well, altho its made up 4 in the first half wen the team on the hand has their chance to wipe out the brawlers b4 they even get the ball, so its pretty well balanced.
Re: The Master Hand- A SSBB Game This is a map designed to look and play like SSBB. And you think it belongs in Competitive?
yea well when i was deciding i read the description 4 competitive nd it said objective game types so this is an assault game to i put it here, i realize now it would be better in maybe minigame maps but i dnt know if there is a way to move it now
lol yea there used to be pics but then they were deleted on photobucket nd i dnt like this map now tht its not my best, my others are ten times better, so i ddnt even bother to put them back up...