Hello everyone this is my first actual "serious" forged map, it doesn't look perfect I know everything's not aligned but this is my first try. I just play tested it today with my friends and we all had a fun time. We played 2v2 team slayer. All gametype's except VIP infection and juggernaut are set up. I had the idea of wanting two bases to be connect by a bridge and I got that part down. I wanted to make the bridge the part you want to control and that was kind of a success. Weapons: Battle Rifles Carbines Needler Maulers Plasma Rifles SMG's Brute Shot Energy Sword Gravity hammer Fuel Rod Cannon Equipment: Trip Mine Bubble Shield Grav lift Overshield Camo Vehicles: Warthog Ghost Chopper. I hope you guys enjoy my map "The hidden hog" P.S. Can you find the hidden hog? DL link: Halo 3 File Details This is the attackers base This is the Defenders The bridge you want to control for victory Defenders from another view
It looks like you accomplished what you were going for, so good job on that. To be honest the map looks pretty basic. It's good but it could be better. Straighten some things out ( like that wall by the stairs) and maybe add some more objects for more cover. As of now it looks like it could be fun though. Oh and where is the warthog? is it visible in any of the pictures? Oh and one more thing, GOOD JOB ON THE POST. I'm so tired of new members posting their maps without pictures or whatever. lol
Thanks I kind of posted this so people could help me improve it and the hidden hog is not viewable from the pictures. Its in one of the hook things on the ceiling. My friend was playing around and did that and i asked what to name it he said the hidden hog so ya lol.
First off, congratulations on completing your first competitive map. The bridge idea is unique, but the forging could be improved a lot. That's okay though because this is only your first serious map, and you're off to a great start. I would suggest checking out the Forging 101 section of the site to find out how to do things such as interlock and geomerge. I hope to see you around ForgeHub, and good luck on any future maps. Keep at it, you will improve faster than you think. Just remember: the key word to success is "Patience." See ya around, I'll be expecting some killer maps from you in the future
And besides, Foundry and sandbox both have their weaknesses and strengths. Geo merging is easier on Foundry for example. The base map does not make a difference to the end product, in the long run. Anyways, your map, Deathscythe, is well posted, and is alright. But is the bridge the only way across? Because one guy with a BR could hold it indefinetely unless there was a second way across. Think back to the Battle of Thermopylae, which has a movie about it called 300. There was only the single pass, which the Spartans held until the Persians found a second way across. If there is a second way, good job on the map. For Future Maps you might want to take inspiration from some of the featured maps and see what make them work, take their ideas and modify them to put a bit of your own creative spark in them. Cheers and Happy Forging mate
Yeah there is the bridge across to the defenders and two side doors to the defenders, there is only one side door for the attackers but the attackers base is much smaller.
ok this map isnt the best but not the worst. I want to know if this is supposed 2 be a scavanger hunt because of the name???
Ha, I found the hidden hog in the first pic! Anyway, like the others said, this is a pretty good map, and your first post was right! And although you accomplished what you were going for with everything, there is definitely room for improvement. I suggest looking up in Forging 101 (on the top left sidebar on the homepage) how to to interlock (put objects inside each other), and maybe geomerge (how to put objects in the ground, wall, etc.). These techniques will improve your map greatly, just take a look at some of the maps in the forums to see how. 4/5, cause this is an especially good map for a first post, even without many advanced techniques.
Thanks as soon as i posted it i read the interlocking and geomerging things, it made me sad that i didn't know how to do that before hand.
Ya, that could be reported as spam. Anyways, good job for your first serious map. I like the original idea of it, and the gameplay seems like it would be good. I would just straighten some things out and work on your interlocking/geomerging and make a V2. I think a well forged map with this idea could get plenety of downloads.
Yeah I tried fixing it today and some idiot put a random ghost down and i didn't know it so i have to upload the fixed version in a bit also why has no one downloaded?
I haven't downloaded it because I'm getting Sanbox in a few days, and I already have a ton of Foundry maps I have to delete to make room for Sandbox ones. You can only have 100 saved items (*sadface Bungie. You crush my soul)