how many like final fantasy games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by abandoned heretic, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Basically i want to see oppinions about the final fantasy games alot of people love them alot hate them what about you
  2. UoR Ov3rDose

    UoR Ov3rDose Ancient
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    I personally love the final fantasy series. Theres really nothing to hate in the first 10. They have such a well developed story and combat system you just fall in love and connect with the characters.

    Other than that I've only played 1,4,7,8,9,10,11, X-2, and 12.

    All of them were great! 10 honestly being my favorite over 7 just because I connected more with the characters. and 11 IMO wasnt bad for the first month but after that it just emphasizes teamwork way too much man.
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I really hate them. I played maybe three of them and did not get the story line. It is a hard game in some of the places, too.
    All in all, it sucks ass.
  4. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    yea ive only started playing them but so far i like x the best and x-2 the least
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    7, 9 and 12 ive played
    7 sweet
    9 not so sweet :/
    12 sweet as ****

    im soooo gonna get 13
  6. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    yea xiii looks amazinger then **** so i hope it is
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    im remaking final fantasy 7 in forge. the entire game.
  8. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I loved them well not 8 or 10x2 but the rest were awesome 7 being the best.
  9. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    i was actually trying to make an assault gametype based off the mako reactors with a map on sandbox goodluck on your project though sounds intresting
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    not enough objects to make tifa's breasts
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    damn that was what i was looking forward to
  12. TheTerrorOfDeath

    Senior Member

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    i really like XII, but that is the only game i have had the opportunity to play...

    i also can't wait for XIII i might even get a PS3 so i can play it sooner and be able to play vs...
  13. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    there trying to make the release dates the same for xbox and ps3 looks amazing though if you like turn based games you should try the rest to the only ones i didnt like weere x-2 and viii was average not the best final fantasy though
  14. CANNON

    CANNON Ancient
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    From the ones I've played, I quite enjoy them.
  15. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    how many have you played ive only played iii,iv,vii,viii,x,xii and crstal chronicles
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Final Fantasy has the best storylines I have ever seen. Yes, I like Final Fantasy.

    Anyhow, if only BUNGiE learned to create as good as storylines as Final Fantasy, they'd be twice as good as they are now.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Final Fantasies 7-9 were amazing imo, by far the best PSX games in existence, but the others never really grabbed me. I never really fell for the preceding games games, and with the loss of the world map in 10 I was quite disenchanted. 10 was still quite a good game, I liked the sphere grid system, but the world map was a central aspect of FF for me. When 12 changed the battle and encounter system so drastically I basically abandoned the series. Square Enix seem to have the strangest mentality about developing the series, to my mind getting rid of all the best aspects on some basis of bringing the games up to date, yet keeping the aspects that are really holding the series back in comparison to the newer competitors, like say Oblivion in the RPG genre. That typifies Japanese game development imo, a refusal to embrace the advances made in US/European games yet an abandonment of the best aspects of their own style, thus leaving a bit of an empty husk in gaming terms. Of course this is all subjective, these things are what I liked about old FF games, and many others will love the new things introduced and will have hated what Square Enix chose to abandon, but it still seems like a bloody minded approach for a developer if you ask me.

    As I said, I loved 7, 8 and 9, I think they were truly fantastic games, and 8 definitely stands as my favourite even though I love the others. I love the junctioning system of 8 so much, plus the whole aesthetic and theme, I've clocked that game like 8 times (funny that :p) so far, and am currently playing through it on my PSP once again, about to go and fight Adel right now, my 3 party members are all level 100 and most of my GFs are too, I'm working on them.

    I have to disagree completely with both points.

    1. I think the FF storylines were far from the best ever, they were in depth sure, but the writing was just a joke at times. The cheap workarounds used to explain away the plot were just funny to me, and I actually loved the games for the complete opposite reason: the gameplay. I loved exploring the world map, training my characters and really squeezing the most out of the respective stat system in each game, plus the expansive side quests were awesome. I also loved playing through the main plot, not because of the writing, but because of the gameplay experience, pure brilliance if you ask me. Didn't you find the incredibly long cut scenes in the games just a little boring at times? Like the basketball court cut scene in Trabia Garden in 8, and the dreaded Kalm hotel scene in 7. I hated those, just an exercise in pressing X repeatedly for me, especially once I knew what they were going to say, but even the first time I played I hated them.

    2. The Halo story is epic if you ask me, and the problem with the H3 Campaign is exactly that, it's too much about the story and feels a little too much like a film rather than a game at times. I'd actually say that if they put more effort in to making an expansive and less vehicle heavy campaign then I'd enjoy it more, but that said, I still think its the best shooter campaign ever overall, just because it's Halo and nothing will ever top the Halo game mechanic in my eyes.
    #17 Pegasi, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  18. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I've never actually played FF, but if it's anything like pokemon, i'm sure i'd like it. Oh and I played kingdom hearts 2 so thats kind of similar.
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Most of the Final Fantasy games are, but a couple (FFX, Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time) have very well done storylines.

    Also, Halo 3 story sucked. Period. One, they make Key's death pathetic, two, Sargeant Johnson dies pathetic. Seriously, the storyline sucked. Everything else was great though.
  20. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    i have to disagree with x not having a good story line and agree with the rest ffxiii looks like a new gamrplay system like xii but i hope they make it good even though id prefer they go back to atb or something simmilar

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