No, that is not how it works. We've already mentioned this multiple times now. There are seven members of the group and any one who is not a member of the group shall pm either Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, or me. Then we will select a person who has sent in a pm and they will be eligible to be in an episode. Then the following week we will have a different person. So all in all there are seven members with a new guy every week. As Amercan has said the rotation of Capturing and Editing follows as Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, and then me. There is not a need for extra angles.
alright i meant a different angle in one game and then ill send the vids to the person doing it this week. you can like splice the vids together. Also they should be able to PM anyone in the group and we relay their name to a centralized person. More efficent that way!
IMPORTANT: TOMORROW OR WEDNESDAY, we will hold the next BTB Shenanigan Party. 7 of the original team will be there. 1 spot is left for anyone who gets an invite from me, Amercan, or Agamer. maybe 2 spots if you are lucky. I will get the party ready at 8 EST due to some people in school. new discussion thread:
Maybe you guys should set a goal every episode. Most suicides. Most betrayals. Try to go 0-0 in a game. And so on.
We might do suicides one time, but all this stuff is random and come up with on the spot. That's actually much less efficient... it takes more time to download videos than it does to just capture them myself. Phreakie and I were trying to do that, but it was hard to do.
I couldn't see it happening. It's hard enough to organize one group of eight people let alone two groups of eight people. There are only going to be three people making the videos and it isn't going to change. Don't worry Throax you'll eventually make your way into a video.
The BTB Shenanigans team consists of seven people as listed in the OP, and one guest will be allowed every episode. Phreakie, Agamer93, and myself are the three that will be making the videos. Does that make sense?
Thats what happens when I have my coffee at 2 PM rather than 10 AM. Anywho, tomorrow is next one. Hope to see you guys there.
This thread should be dedicated to comments solely about our first episode. Any other comments, concerns, and/or questions please take it to the BTB Shenanigan Discussion. It can be found here. In my opinion I think it is right to discuss upon the matters of when the next episode should be scheduled between all of the members. I personally would like to have it done only on the weekends. Having it on the weekend gives us more time to record, and it is more flexible through all the members.