The good folks down at bungie were nice enough to give us a mythic map pack theme. It includes a sandbox background with vechials on top of the removable block seperating the main floor and the crypt. Even better though is the trailer which will shocase sandbox and some of orbital. This is the moment we have been waiting for for a long time and hell is it awesume. If youi have a good 1050 points to spend grab the theme and map packs for an epic win future. Bungie Article EDIT: Why the f*** would they show us just orbital, assembly, and sanbox. I loaded this video up thinking obviously it will have the other maps cause bungie isn't stupid enough not to. We have known that for four months. Why not show us the stuff we don't but need to know.
i dont know... maybe for the millions of fans who dont sign onto and everyday?
Possibly because if you looked at the other maps, They probably would not even be close to done. I mean, if the maps were done already, they would have released them now.
Not necessarily. Bungie has, in the past, referred to all 6 new maps as the Mythic Map pack and in a past podcast Brian Jarrard aka Sketch has said that the mythic maps were done. I'm not sure if he was referring to just Sandbox, Assembly and Orbital or all 6 of the maps. If the recently leaked Heretic photo is to be believed, It would seem that they are done as well. You may be right though. It's hard to say. Why would you expect Bungie to show Heretic, Longshore and Citadel in this video? They aren't part of this wave of maps and they wouldn't throw them in there without having talked about them in an update first. I don't like seeing people disappointing but I find it hard sometimes whey they expect too much. Anyway, as for the video. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting. I was thinking of something more along the lines of what was done for the Legendary Map Pack video, a serious video montage sort of thing. Though not what I expected, it was still entertaining. As for the Theme, I've never really been into the themes. I've always just gotten one and stuck with it. Right now I'm using the Deluxe Halo Theme and I like it enough to where I'm not going to buy an other.
I dunno, I'd personally assume that his comments did relate to this initial wave of maps, but I haven't heard the podcast to put the comment in context so I couldn't say either. But just from the larger situation I'd personally go with saying that the second 3 maps in the Mythic are still being worked on, possibly quite heavily. Sure there's that picture of Heretic, but hardly shows much of the map, not much at all really in terms of the playable space rather than the external boarders of the map which are more aesthetic in nature thus would be finished earlier on. Plus, geometry being done to the point of the map being playable in a basic form, all that's necessary for such a pic to exist, hardly means much in terms of a fully finished map. I understand from words from my friend's cousin (who is apparently employed by Bungie and is involved with testing the DLC before release in game tests, tenuous links ftw!) that the maps are game tested extensively and redesigned and tweaked accordingly. Anyone who has ever really put their heart and soul into Forging a map to closer to professional map design standards will know that testing and accordingly altering the map to really refine and hone it is a biiig aspect of the overall project, and can take up serious amounts of time in the larger scale of the process. Having that pic doesn't even mean that Heretic is necessarily done. And even then, that pic is all we have, and it's been leaked at that. The other 2 maps could still be in geometry design phase for all we know, I'd personally hope that they're further along than that, but none of us are in any position to go making assertions as to whether the maps are finished or not for sure. As you said, knowing for sure is pretty out of the question, but I'd personally tend toward the view that the second 3 Mythic maps are far off in time for at least partial solid reason, that is to say that they're still being worked on and will be for a good time until closer to their release. Again, I keep this as 'partly' and I'm not so naive that I don't recognise that there will be at least some aspect of marketing control in this decision, the maps being released with ODST can hardly be thought as a happy coincidence that they will both happen to be finished at the same time, but I don't think that's the full reason by any means. Bungie revel in keeping us on our toes, denying us info and telling us to 'sit tight', they're vindictive sods in this way, but at least they make no pretenses about it. And they do tend to at least try and keep us informed of what is actually done and dusted, as well as giving us at least occasional official releases and pics etc. to give us something to go by when getting all excited about the new DLC. So I'd say that the complete lack of official natter on the other 3 maps does point towards them genuinely still being worked on quite heavily. I mean look at how things have gone with past DLCs', these maps are due out in, what, autumn? That's pretty much all we know, and someone's expecting them to release a fully fledged video actually detailing these maps in 3d with actual motion? Seriously, just no.
I bought their last theme, so I probably won't buy this one just for the sake of it. Now downloading the trailer... 6 minutes remaining. I'm downloading the HD version because my laptop has an HDMI port. I hope this has lots of win in it...
No, they wouldn't have. If they released all the maps at once, people would get bored quickly. The heroic map pack was ready when they released Halo 3. And just about all of the 'mythic' maps are finished, and are set for release later this year. Also, what was the fans favorite map in Halo 2? Midship? And what map is being released in the second half of the 'mythic' map pack? Heretic. It's mostly marketing so their game stays alive. And hopefully if they have a map pack after the upcoming one, it would most likely be a group of loved remakes. This is all a matter of opinion, but what I also believe it.
Actually, from what I've read, the second batch of maps are just about all ready to go. Perhaps they're making additional maps at this point to go along with the release of Halo ODST.
I went searching for a cool premium theme a few weeks ago, was about to choose Aqua Teen Hunger Force but then decided on Halo Wars: You're in command. Wish I had waited for this to come out, because I am definitely upgrading. It would be sweet if the Avatars actually DID stuff with the background, like climbed on stuff or got in the vehicles. Still, having a peaceful sandy background will be nice change.
They didn't show the other 3 maps because then people would have the same reaction as you but reversed when they do download the maps: "WTF, why Bungy put 6 maps in video but only give me 3??? Bungy should give me maps for freeeeee if they're done,WTF" - or something to that effect. It makes sense that if they're only releasing 3 maps that they only make a video for those 3 maps. I mean, we still haven't had an official announcement for the other 3, have we? We know what they are but Bungie hasn't said anything official. Downloading the trailer now. The theme looks much more awesome than the last one but I'm still not going to buy it. If you could keep the theme but just change the background image, then I would buy it (actually, probably not because I would have bought the Halo Wars one ;P) Edit: Ok, that was an awesome trailer! The high jack while the chopper did a somersault, awesome. Free 7-Wood, awesome. I've already got the maps, awesome! "Its time to seperate the geneticly-enhanced super-soldiers from the boys"- Awesome. What does he say in the quick speech at the end, I really can't keep up with it!
I would watch it, but the real thing is only moments away. Maybe they should have released this to get the hype going a few weeks ago? Oh well. I just wish I knew the exact time (down to the second) they are coming out. I haven't slept in a day and a bit, just in case timezone affects the release time. Why do you torture me so?
i think it is because for the people that bought the limited edition of halo wars they would have to go and spend their money and download them agian but for the people who didnt by the limited edition like me we made the right decision.