Sandbox Altman Hill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Siegeforth, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
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    Altman Hill

    Altman Hill is my first Sandbox map. I was inspired by many of the small mid-sized maps from Halo:CE. I always liked the hill design and kept it in mind when forging in the Skybubble. A few weeks later and Altman Hill was done. It is a narrow symmetrical map with two bases divided by a hill with large pillars providing cover on the trek up and down the hill.

    I received many complaints on and off the thread about the shotguns and after playing without them I surmised that gameplay doesn't really change, so I have made a V2 in which the shotguns have been removed and weapons rearranged on the map for balancing purposes.

    Weapons List:
    12x Plasma Grenades
    2x Battle Rifles
    2x Covanent Carbines
    2x Plasma Pistols
    2x Plasma Rifle
    2x SMGs
    2x Needlers
    2x Sniper Rifles
    2x Brute Shots
    2x Frag Grenades
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Shield Regenerator

    Download V2 Here:

    High View of map from Red Base

    Top of the map

    Red Base

    View from Inside base

    Brute Shot ridge

    Hidden sniping windows that are accessible from tunnels at the top of the map underneath the rocket platform.

    A hidden grav lift in a large stone jumps players onto the brute shot ridge

    Action Shots:

    Regenerator Duel

    Tunnel Fight

    Head Shot


    Lucky Pillar


    Altman Hill plays best with 6 players, but supports 4-8 Players. Slayer and CTF

    PS: Let me know if my post is not within Forgehub regulations.
    Please DL, comment, and, Enjoy!
    #1 Siegeforth, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  2. sp 114

    sp 114 Ancient
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    It looks like you tried hard to perfect the interlocking and geomerging and really thought about weapon placement. 5/5. A definite download once i get the Mythic Map Pack :)
  3. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    i do like you map layout alot there were a few creative ideas which i dont think ive seen befor such as the merged wall half to the side. but from what i saw there wasnt any geomerging so sp144 why dont you wait to comment when you can download this map. but anywyas the gamplay was quite fun. i would have prefered it if the needlers. maybe thats something to think about. also it seems like you gave up because you merged some things but not everything. i woulf find this map alot better it it was completly merged
  4. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    heaps cool map very well forged and set out 10/10 ill defiantly download you obersiouly spent alot of time on this map.
    by the way
    thats probaly coz its in the air on sandbox so he couldnt der...
  5. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    actually you can geomerge in the air i no because ive done it in my map that will be realesed soon so why dont you be quiet befor you open your big mouth ok big boy. maybe you should learn how to forge

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks like it will have pretty good gameplay but i i will say that the map its self is okay
  7. Etgamer114

    Etgamer114 Ancient
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    your map looks brillant i'll definetely give it a DL.
    And im a berk theres no need to be so mean, maybe your name should be im a jerk.
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Seeing that you are the expert on geo merging in the sky bubble, care to entice us with a brief lesson how? Also, you stated that the map would be better it was all merged. NOT true. Merging a map completely takes a lot of time and effort... and new rounds, and it may not even have to be merged.

    OT: I know your map isn't geo-merged, I've tried it before by getting rid of the blue lines in the sky bubble so objects go through, but it's just not worth it unless truly needed. All he did was just merge the walls onto the flooring, thus giving the possible illusion of geo-merging. Gameplay wise, it looks like fun, but the map looks very confusing in general, so it might have been good if you took an overhead shot, and I expect myself to be confused the first time I try. I'll give a 4/5 for now, good job.

    EDIT: Fix the weapons. I just looked at them, and honestly? 2 shotties, 12 plasma gernades, rockets, 2 snipers, 2 nooblers on one tiny map? Take it down a notch buddy. These kinds of weapons, especially on such a small map would honestly ruin gameplay. Fix them in V2
    #8 Rifte, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  9. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
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    Addresing: "im a berk"
    Actually i didn't give up Interlocking, I reached both the Budget limit and object limit so there wasn't anything left I could do. Also you said that " i would have prefered it if the needlers." ? I don't know what you mean't by that, so if you could finish your sentence, it may be useful for making my map better.

    Addresing: "rifte gifle"
    The weapons may seem overkill, but holding the top area is very easy and also not all the weapons spawn at the beginning of the map.

    I thank both of you for your help in improving my map.
    #9 Siegeforth, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  10. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Looks good, it's really hard to get a broad view whats going on without any kind of overview of the map, all your pictures are just kind of close. However I do like the detail, and it looks fun. Good work, and your post is fine BTW.
  11. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
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    I appreciate the post Running Chron, I did try to take large pictures of my map, but because it is so big, I couldn't get the camera high enough to take good pics.
  12. Eaglrys BR iZ GoDly

    Senior Member

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    The ramps are very innovative but I dont really like that SMG spot. Other than that, and also add some better interlocking and you could have this map be perfect.
  13. MLG Xx Starz n Snipz xX

    Senior Member

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    Sick Map!

    i just played this with my friend 1v1, its petty good form just that you should have said that in your post and just a little more interlocking, but other than that great post!
  14. Ice Wolf 212

    Ice Wolf 212 Ancient
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    Dude this map is awesome.... really good. Anyway, but the pictures of the map really don't do it justice, like running chiron said. I suggest taking a few screen shots of the map from farther away, letting us see more in each shot, take some close up shots too, just don't make all you're shots close. Anybody out there who is wondering whether to DL or not because you think it looks confusing, give it a try, I'm glad I did. Nice job Siegeforth, keep up the good work.
  15. olympichaloforger

    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good, kinda looks confusing but I can basically get what's going on. I'll give it a try.... nice forging

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