Sandbox Map Idea (Forgeing for Sierra has begun) With the realease of Mythic only days away (for me) i finaly decided on my first map idea and If you would like to help me make this please tell me but Im not promising anything. And last but not least this is my idea. Im going to make a competitive map for of the end of sierra117. if you dont know what Im talking about here is an overview of the real map. [/URL] [/URL] Here is the first picture of sierra! The full map will be posted in the next 2 hours! Moderator notice If any moderators see this please back me up if anyone trys to steal this idea and im puting a date on this thread so you cant say your map was first. 4/4/09
Dibs lol Just kidding I think that this part of the level would make a really nice competitive team slayer map. I think you should make the map in the air, and if sandbox has shield doors, you could make them the water part of the map. Good luck man. Depending on how you do with the map, i think it could be one of the maps out there that will stand out.
This is great! If I were you, I'd add some cover and a few extra things here and there, but this really is good! Maybe you could create someother parts of Seirra 117
Ya....No. I dont think the map needs more cover in my opinion. Actually now looking at the map again. I think it would be a better conquest map then anything else. Once again good luck, I would like to see where this goes.
Thanks guys it will have a decent amount of cover and ways to get around and Ill make it as close as i can to the campaign map. But this will probly end up as a big team map. (mutters to self... *hmmm big team conquest*)
Wow, great idea, why didn't I think of this. It would be sweet if you included the rocky path (possibly a snipe spawn near there?). Making a man cannon that linked the two sides of the broken bridge would help this map achieve playability (and world dominance?). Another section you should include is the section with the skull. Would be even sweeter if you man cannoned Sandbox's skull up there? Other than that this map should play perfectly with the cover that is currently on it. Good luck dude EDIT: Ohhh jeez I forgot about this, I am so glad you finished this, it looks great. You didn't link the broken bridge like I requested but oh well :/. Looks great dude can't wait to get a game and play this.
THanks man Ive got a plan for the broken bridge. About 45 seconds to 1 minute in a bridge with a banshee will spawn. And just to be funny Ill spawn the oddball where the skull is lol!
I say do it. But I doubt sandbox - no matter how much it can take - will be sufficient for this - it's too big. ... Budget glitched, though, it should work. Do it, I'd download it if it's done nicely.
Yea I really don't think you should have posted this. Somebody will probably try to steal it, make the map, and then say they never saw this thread. Anyways it's not a bad idea but some maps that have already been made look a lot like this, and I'm sure they weren't trying to. It would be cool though. And it's going to be a sick first map for you.
Ive never seen a map like this its much to big to do on foundry, and if anyone steals it Ill post the thread in there map post and everyone will know they copied.
I must say that I really like the idea you've had, but having forged on Sandbox a bit, it seems unfeasible. The amount of geometry you'd have to produce to make the map feel like the level is beyond what Sandbox offers. Think about it: you'd have to have the sniper's ledges on both sides, the top of the dam, the walkway inside the dam, the watchtower on the tree side with its three levels (and ladders, which we don't have), the mechanical structure opposite that, the upper walkway that wraps around on that side, the level and building where Johnson and team were being held, and then the same level on the opposite side. Constructing all of that in the sky bubble without running into OLN or budget would be one hell of a feat, especially considering how large that section of the level is. If we had a map-maker in Halo 3 akin to the one in Far Cry 2, then I'd say you could probably do it, but the fact of the matter is that we don't. And I don't mean to be a naysayer, but I just don't see how it's possible. If you still want to try for it, then good luck. I will be incredibly impressed if you manage to pull it off.
I gotta hand it to you, this would be a really great mission to recreate competitivly, i never thought of a endpoint like this, bungie made it to be a stationary last stand type scenario, which could be recreated competitivly. Well, damb good job and good luck. When you say there will be brutes, remember that in campain it would no be fun for the brutes at all, that is why they are computers, games like fat kid, **** zombies and others forget this, and I hope you don't. Keep it balanced! And good luck! Edit: Okay, Lefty got his ideas from this thread. That makes sense. I thought he started talking about campain remakes, then he poested another thread (this one) and that gives Titmar's comment reason, but now i see you made this thread and lefty expanded with his thread, okay.
...Two diffent people made these two threads?! Oops! Okay i'll edit. You called it and then lefty talked about it, okay then. And Titmar is right in that respect, you could have kept it a secret, but no biggie.
I've always wanted someone to remake this exact area (for almost a year now). I would do it, but I'm too lazy to make competitive maps (I make minigames). May the best of luck be with you. Keep me updated.
In that case, dibs on the rest of the campaign levels? You can make the map structurally similar, but probably not to the point where people would remember that it was in campaign. Try not to pin all your hopes on an exact replica.
I think someone said that they were already going to make this level as part of their campaign remake thing. So he probably got the dibs before you. Might want to talk to him about that. You could make it together!
Wait, you're calling dibs on remaking a level in the campaign of the same game? Well seeing as you started the ridculous dibsing, I say you stole this idea from me, I even sketched out how it would fit in the Sky Bubble and which pieces to use and roughly how big the map would be. See, silly logic. You can't just stop everyone else from making a map based on a level in the same game! Anyway, good luck with making it. It was fun in campaign but I doubt it'll work too well in MP. I found that after coming up with the basic layout (like if you simplify the geometry, split it in to clear sections and then mold the rest of the map around that basic shape) you end up with a map very much like Narrows which has been curved round and had the man cannons removed.
Yeah lefty had permission to take this idea and make other campaign stuff. I might make some with him. And Titmar i thought it was a good idea and i shared it and now i have a moderator to know if it was stolen.