MLG Darkness Hello Forgers, I am in the middle of creating a map to put on Forge Hub. It is called MLG Darkness and it is a symmetrical map. I really need some help from a very experienced forger. I could do it by myself but it will take me a while and I would like to get it posted up pretty soon. I have both of the bases already started and one of the sides barely started, so if you came and helped me, you would get as much of credit as I do. I do not want a inexperienced forger messaging me asking to help, I need a very experienced and very good forger to help me out. So please take this into consideration and if we succeed, we will both get the credit for a great map. No pics available as of yet, if yo want to help, then just send me a PM or a friend request and a message on X-box Live.
What exactly are you looking for, Star? Do you need someone who's good at precision interlocking? Geomerging? Do you want someone who knows what it takes to make a good MLG map, or are you just looking for someone who's put out a lot of maps? I probably can't help you with forging (I'm far from a perfectionist, which it sounds like you're looking for, and I've only put out a handful of maps), but at the very least, I can help ForgeHub get a better picture of what you're looking for.
I am looking for a experienced MLG map maker, and an experienced forger with interlocking, geomerging, and to help me with spawns on it
So basically you want someone to build the map for you? Why would you want that? I understand asking for help with spawns but unless you know the person you're forging with, it's probably not going to work because they won't ever entirely understand the way you want to make it. You're basically just saying you don't want to build your own map.
I can help with the actual geometry of the map and Blaze could probably work the spawns with me. You know my skills from Origin...
i can help if you like. All i make is MLG maps so hit me up on Pixie Dustttt i can show you how good i am on XBL
No, lefty, I just want some help, you know, like the how all the featured maps have at least 2 people working on them, but yea, ninja, that would be great
Hey dude i'm pretty good with interlocking and merging hit me up on XBLive GT: Given to Fly 93 I'm DLing the maps this night when they come out.. I can show you what I can do in a party, cuz pictures dont show too well
Ok that would be great, i got more of the map done, I will add pics tomorrow, I need some help on interlocking walkways into angles. Like, I have a walkway that is going straight but I need to angle it down and I am not for sure how.