I have talked to Shock, he said this was fine to do so. There is a contest on my website, and It is for the best oddball/king of the hill/assault map. You can do only one of these gametypes for one map. No pre-built maps. You can use All DLC, Including Mythic maps, I will not judge within what map it is on, but how well it is forged. You have till May 20th 2009, at 9:00pm EST. THE 1 WINNER WILL GET: A Xbox Live 3 month Code, and a Custom user title saying: " HaloCrossing's 1st Contest Winner!" or something within that. 2nd place will receive: Gets a Custom User title saying something like: "HaloCrossing's 1st Contest Runnerup" or something within that also. You enter your maps here: CONTEST ENTRY Thanks. -Zanitor EDIT: Now due May 20th, because I want to give more time for people to make maps.
Nah it is a focus on one of the gametypes. Like just Oddball map, or Just KotH, or just Assault. Also I made these gametypes because me and Ladnil thought it would be good, because these are very left out gametype that I never see good maps based just on that.
Can it be for a whole bunch of gametypes or can it only be for one gametype, cuz I'm making a 2v2/3v3 map that will be KOTH, CTF, Assault ( Maybe ), Team slayer, and juggernaut ( Maybe )
Shock said put here. Nice. You Should. You got to just choose 1 sorry :/ I wish you luck guys. FIRST POST HAS BEEN EDITED!
If I win when I enter, can I get MS points equivalent to a 1 month instead? I already have 3 accounts running so I don't need a one month...
Well you could always add it to one, but it may be a possibility, maybe whom ever wins gets 1 month and 800 or so Microsoft points.
I'm probably going to do this, but my question is, if I build a map compatible for most gametypes, but meant for, say, assault, could I still enter? Because I honestly feel that a map can go to waste if its only for a single gametype.
Well I want you to enter it for one game type and focus it on that, but later you can make it to whatever you want as gametypes.
sureee ill see if i can whip up a layout for this zanitor Probably gonna have to be in a month from now though -.-"
How come when he does this, it is ok, but if you all remember, i tried this once and offered the same prizes, and got flamed
Has to be a map for Oddball, or Assault, or King of the Hill. So yeah. Also Roche thanks. Also do you think that April 30th will be too soon, i will gladly bump up the date?
I was not planning to enter this contest but I am always up for a challenge so I think that I might just try it out.