Heroic DLC MLG Twisted v1b

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Tha Tweaker, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Tha Tweaker

    Tha Tweaker Ancient
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    Me (Tha Tweaker) and my good friend xXSMIRZXx created this in 5 days, spending nearly +13 hours through the night on the 3rd/4th day. Tested it on the 4th day, and modified it and added Ball, CTF, and KOTH on the 4th/5th day. This is the version 1Beta of this map as it is complete but not tested completely. Spawns are set on Bottom Hill and A/B Streets as well as Red/Blue Treehouses.

    Should play Slayer v very well with 4v4, as it started out with Custom in Bottom Mid, Rockets on Top "Bottom Hill" and Sniper on Sniper Tower. We tested and it proved to be completely too fast paced, as well as spawn killing issues. (This was all v1a variant) In v1b spawns were (Hopefully) fixed and many spawns were removed from Snipe Tower (we found that this was a very prominent place while playing [even after removing the custom and rockets])

    KOTH Hills are as follows:
    1. Bottom Hill Lobby
    2. Blue Street
    3. Red Street
    Although, there may be issues with hill timings as there are 2 Hills in Bottom Hill Lobby, this should be fixed in the v1c variant.
    Ball Spawns Sniper Tower Lobby
    {Players Start: 2 on Home Street, 2 on Home Floor}

    GamerTag: Tha Tweaker
    Game Variants: MLG TS v6, MLG Ball v6, MLG CTF Ons v6, MLG KOTH v6
    CTF Variant: MLG CTF Ons v6
    Map: MLG Twisted

    Thank you. I hope you enjoy this map!

    I would greatly appreciate any/all feedback regarding whether you liked or disliked it and why. If you find any flaws... please let me know ASAP

    Bottom Hill:

    Snipe Hill:

    Red Street:

    #1 Tha Tweaker, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  2. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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  3. Tha Tweaker

    Tha Tweaker Ancient
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    Ill get them up before 3 AM CST tomorrow... just wanted to post this (just got the map done and posted on Bungie.net/MLGpro.com/here)

    The screenshots will definitely go up tomorrow.
  4. Tha Tweaker

    Tha Tweaker Ancient
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    images up XD and if anyone has any suggestions before they play, just from the pictures... please post and let me put them into consideration

    any questions before play... please post, and ill try to answer as best i can...
  5. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    I feel that the map doesnt really flow to well, the bases look great but there not really connected to the sides, please correct me if im wrong, judging from the pictures ill give it a 3.5/5
  6. Tha Tweaker

    Tha Tweaker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    most play happens in a triangle type of crossfire... RedStreet-BlueStreet-SnipeTower ... flow could be worked on... but most movement is on the ground rather than on the hills... so it flows very well

    it would be really cool if someone would play-test it that has never played on it before... i would really like if someone could get a 4v4 going... with players who have never played on it before... and tell me how it goes
  7. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    this looks like a great mlg map. it seems like it follows all the rules. but both bases are very empty. you might want to add more boxes on either side for more aesthetics. anyway this looks nice and well forged.
    #7 revenger 514, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  8. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I think you need more to the bases. They look way to bare for cover and just that there is nothing in the back of the map. If you filled some of the space in I will take another look at it.
  9. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks worth downloading. My friends would probably like it
  10. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    look really good, but you cant have shield doors on an MLG map
  11. awsome forge friend

    Senior Member

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    This is a nice map i downloaded the map and had some friends and i play it on a 2v2 and the gameplay was fantastic.
    It has plenty of cover and few forgeing errors like not straight but its not all meant to be perfect.
    overall nice map solid 5/5

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