These were all great maps, infact almost all of the Halo 2 maps were awesome but I have chosen these 8 and want to know which one you would most like to see. I personally would like to see all of them recreated but in a way that is better than Guardian is to Lockout. If i had to pick...... Foundation Foundation, by far, is my favourite map from Halo 2.
none of these maps should be brought back, y would bungie ever do that? if u want to play them just go on h2. and y didnt u put on lockout as a choise? if anything, bungie would bring that back.
If they were ever to be brought back, I would want Terminal, Turf and... hey! what happened to Headlong???
My favorite would have to be Lockout, I would definitely not mind playing on that again. But I agree with all the rest of the people who have posted here, I would like to see new maps.
Well although I think Bungie should make new maps not old ones if I has to pick it would be head long. (Not on the list WTF?!) Turf and Midship.
I would have to say Relic. I would love to see what improvements could be made in a remake. Plus it would be great for forge.
i've played halo (the orginal one) like ten years ago, in a cousin's house, but never halo 2... and i barely remember playing halo. so i don't know any maps but by watching rvb, i kinda like how blood gulch looks like.... s kinda valhalla-ish map...
DANG IT, NEW MAPS!!! Anyways, we need more urbanish (haha, I love that word, urbanish), small, vehicle maps. Turf, obviously, is the closest one to that. Foundation would be nice, but less power weapons. Maybe have some extra additions to it, like some tunnels.
well i liked relic. that was fun because i liked sniping and it was a sweet king of the hill kinda thing (except we played slayer and whoever controlled the relic basically had control of the game)
Turf, Terminal, and Ascension out of that list. We need more city-like maps. The only exception is Ascension which I just think kicked ass. We're to Covenant like, Narrows, Guardian, Construct, I mean come on. Granted we have The Pit, Last Resort, Isolation, etc. but that isn't enough.