Dying to live and destiny power are very interesting. I dont think i have seen any screenshots like them before. My favorite here would have to be destruction though. I like how the colors outline his body, it makes him stand out a lot more. Nice job man
Thank you. I spent a lot of time on these screenshots. Hope You gave them a download. Do you like EPIC ODST or ALMIGHT FEAR?
Hmm, that is a tough one, but I think that I am going to go with Almighty Fear. I like the feeling of the screenshot. Usually when it comes down to two sceenshots that I am torn between, I make them both my background of my computer and tell myself which one I like best. Nice job though man, keep it up.
The first two are pretty sick but the last ones are nooby and over used. In the first ones I like the mist and the colors. Pretty good job. 4/5
Almighty Fear and Destuction are Favs. ^_^ I'm an ODST fan. If you had shown more of the rifle rather than cutting it off, I would love that one too.
the purple and orange **** on sandbox is getting old and repetetive, the first 2 are decent, nothing spectacular, but destiny power is interesting. i kinda looks like zen art. i like that one, good job.
Please download. And I made the sandbox pics on my own. I made that effect up before I had ever heard of it. Other people just found it
I like Destiny Power, it is described in many words, i bet u did the effect were u go in the kill ball on Sandbox! am i right?
yes i realize this. it is just a very simple effect to make, so many people have found it, so it it getting repetetive.
how do u make the effect then, all i know is that mabey u put yourself invulinable, some Filter on, mabey juicy or gloomy then go in the killball, if i am wrong plzz correct me, i do not have the mythic map pack!