The biggest Halo Montage Fail on Vimeo. Note that 95% of his kills are on his own standing-still guests with a shotgun. It's actually pretty funny because as far as I can tell, this is a serious montage.
I love it how underneath it says "I'm in the MLG" and check out the comments too! Even better, look at the YOUTUBE page comments HAHAHA and when he throws it off of the bubble shield, you see the guy trying to get stuck underneath hahahahah Description: By upcoming MlG pros pd43 and WubbieMonsta WP hahahahaha Wannabe's
Haha, yeah this one is truly 1337. I really haven't seen one this trashy in a while. Nice triple post by the way
This fail isn't even epic. It's a dead fail. Wannabe MLG's who can't no-scope or ninja like any legit 40. See what I did there? Surprising that he ever even got a perfection. But then again, watching the video leads you to suggest he boosted that too, because he can't get a legit kill for his life.
Seriously, the fact that every single kill is on a guest or multiple guests amazes me. If this is serious, then I'm 1 vs 1 this kid any day just to here him complain. Lol, nice fail.
on almost every kill thier geust and their standing still this dude fails hard wtf fail. and almost every kill is with stickys let alone the shotgun epicfail
I just feel bad for him that he never figured out how to get better than a triple kill on his guests.
At 1:15 he fails at trying to splatter the guest, so he switches to his strusty shotgun. >.< And 2:33 he misses a guest with the sparten lazer from like a metre away.
I know dude. Triggers Down should ask this guy to help them with their montage. It would be so much better than the Str8 Rippin one if they did.
wow i could only watch 1 minute of this garbage. every kill he gets is some guest standing there or probably has his 2 year old brother trying to play him. the guy who made this video is a douche and needs to stop sucking **** at halo
Yeh, that was pretty awesome, some NASTY no-scopes. that guy should go pro. Cmon guys, that montage isn't serious.
wow this is the most epic fail i have ever seen. even moer epic fail than when tyler perry tried to make a comedy on TBS.
This has got to be a joke. Every single one of his victims has a [1] or a [2] after their name. At one point he teabags someone (obviously a guest or a player who's not playing) before sniping him. Also the quality is also pretty rubbish, the angles are awful and the music is rap ****. Even more worrying is the advert below the video on the right: How do they know my name and my picture? Is it a facebook advert?
Hahaha that was ridiculous. I seriously hope that was a joke. I hope I run into one of those kids in matchmaking so I can ask them about it