Why Flame Cod:WaW?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The Spartan III, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    The new maps were 80 bucks to people who couldn't wait until April and wanted to feel special and uses 20 dollar bills for toilet paper.

    I'm pretty sure Halo 3 is supposed to be unrealistic shooter because well maybe because there is aliens. Yeah it copied halo 2 because it is the same franchise. If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it, improve it, which is what bungie did very well. CoD WaW is a copy of CoD4, it is made by another company who were not creative, yeah the Japan and Russian side of the war was never done but WW2 has.

    Microsoft is a company, they want you to buy their products and I can see that if you're good at doing something people will hate you for it.

    And not everyone buys the maps, and between the Legendary maps and the Mythic maps, it has bin a whole year, so I don't mind spending 10 bucks a year to lengthen my undying replay ability of a game.
  2. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think people compare it too much to COD4 when they were really different games in their own respects (i've flipped back and forth between them for the last two months and believe me their different).
    People say "oh it's just new maps, different weapons, different setting -- BUT ITS THE SAME". Hello!? Does that make any sense? No, it doesn't that's because the games are clearly different.
    That's like saying Halo 2 and Halo 3 are the same game, which is retarded.

    In it's one respect, I think WaW was a decent game. It definitely gave me some solid insight into parts of WWII that I didn't know a whole lot about before. The multiplayer took some getting used to but after you play for a week or two you get just as immersed in it as COD4.

    I think the criticism is mainly due to unfair comparisons and untrue assumptions.

    that's my 2 cents.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    ... i am just unable to fathom how some people can be so stupid and ignorant. i wont mention anyone in particular...
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    No you are just being an idiot.

    Halowars is its own game. People paid for that, and a couple extra dollars to get some maps for a long lasting game. CoDWaw is a 9mo-1 year installment in the overrated CoD series that people will be paying 70 dollars a year for. How am I not using facts? It's stated that a CoD game will be released every year. Activision has said they will not publish a title they can not exploit every year. They actually said the word exploit. That's basically saying: they won't publish a title that dumbass will be drawing to wasting their money on every year.

    You can defend CoD4 against me, that is it's own game. CoDWaW is not. It's a copy, a rehash, a reskin of a popular and successful game. There are massive differences between Halo2 and Halo3, and years between them. The only differences between CoD4 and 5 are a year and negativities that CoD5 displays like worse graphics, worse host advantage, and shitty vehicles that ruin multiplayer. I'm not being biased, I'm bein realistic.
  5. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    Why do people bother to flame anything? Because they think "theirs" is better than "yours." Just learn to ignore the people who can't seem to handle the fact that more than one game can be good.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Oh, I know that it's my opinion. I was just stating many of the common complaints that I share with other people.


    Sure, I know that map quality is 100% my opinion, but frankly, I think they are some of the worst maps in any multiplayer game. Vehicles should remain plural because there is more than one Tank in the game, no? Hell, most maps with tanks actually support multiple tanks at once. Also, I was referring to other types of vehicles in CoD3, which many people also disliked. In my personal experience, there was a diverse range of weapons being used in almost every Call of Duty 4 match. Sure, the M16, MP5, M40 carbine, and AK47 were the superior weapons, but other weapons were enjoyable to use and each had their own uniqueness, again, imo. The comparison of Halo-like story lines compared the amount of WW2 games is a joke. If only noobs use MP40, then CoDWaW is full of noobs. You cannot deny that many matches are filled the the brim with MP40s. It's not that Halo touched me in anyway, it was that I knew who I was and that I had a purpose and a chance to connect with the character. In CoD:WaW your friends had less to do with the story and you appear to be a nameless soldier without a face.

    #26 Shatakai, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Lol, this made me crack up but Chrst practically already handled it. However, I will put in my 2 cents.

    In the sense of copying, your attempt to create a comparison of Halo 2 > Halo 3 and CoD 4 > CoD WaW is quite the shallow view. Let me break it down.
    Halo 2: Created by Bungie in the course of several years - Uses own game engine.
    Halo 3: Created by Bungie in the course of several years - Uses a tweaked version of Halo 2 engine, with new physics, controls, and elements. (I know I didn't mention Havock as the physics engine. By engine I am referring to how the game works as a whole, excluding graphics and stuff).

    CoD 4: Created by Infinity Ward in the course of several yeas -Uses own game engine.
    CoD WaW: Created by Treyarch in the course of 1-2 years (I think I am adding non existent time to that clock) - Uses the same exact engine as CoD 4.

    So no, Halo 3 is not a rip off of Halo 2. It is a sequel. CoD WaW is supposed to be a sequel, but hardly features anything outside of looks that differ from CoD 4. Let me put this into a new light though, a new comparison.

    Halo 3: Created by Bungie in the course of several years - Uses a tweaked version of Halo 2 engine, with new physics, controls, and elements.
    Halo 3 ODST: Created by Bungie in the course of several years - Uses the Halo 3 engine with some adjustments - Features an aesthetic over haul - Includes 3 new maps to play on - new achievements - an all new campaign - a different form of gameplay from the standard Halo 3 Campaign - An expansion pack.

    CoD 4: Created by Infinity Ward in the course of several yeas -Uses own game engine.
    CoD WaW: Created by Treyarch in the course of 1-2 years (I think I am adding non existent time to that clock) - Uses the same exact engine as CoD 4 - Features and aesthetic overhaul - includes new maps and new gametype - new achievements - new campaign - similar campaign experience to CoD 4 just a new environment - a full $60 game.

    Idk about you, but I think Halo 3 Recon sounds like a way better deal, with more work exerted into it. It seems more of a stand alone game than CoD WaW does, but it's the expansion pack and WaW is the one that costs $60. Figure that.

    Oh, and no one cares if WaW is a "realistic" shooter and Halo is not. To me, having recharging shields makes a hell of a lot more sense that regenerating health after nearly getting sawed in half by a Light Machine Gun anyway.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    What you did is reply to my fake argument. All i did was take Chrst's reply and flip flop the word Halo with Cod pretty much. Which was explained at the beginning.

    And you guys keep rambling about how much you hate Cod Waw, but how much you liked Cod4... and then you go on and say
    CoD 4: Created by Infinity Ward in the course of several yeas -Uses own game engine.
    CoD WaW: Created by Treyarch in the course of 1-2 years (I think I am adding non existent time to that clock) - Uses the same exact engine as CoD 4 - Features and aesthetic overhaul - includes new maps and new gametype - new achievements - new campaign - similar campaign experience to CoD 4 just a new environment - a full $60 game.

    Then you also go on talking about halo, which btw, has nothing to do with this topic. "Why do people flame Cod5?"
    response: "OMG halo is teh win. Cod sucks cuz i suk at it it just does.


    Idk about you, but I think Halo 3 Recon sounds like a way better deal, with more work exerted into it. It seems more of a stand alone game than CoD WaW does, but it's the expansion pack and WaW is the one that costs $60. Figure that.

    Its the expansion, and Waw is the one that costs $60... i'm lost.

    Hah i think its funny though how people dont realize sarcasm.
    You made a bad first argument and i switched it around in my favor, to show you the other side of it. Then you go and laugh at my argument. See?
    #28 Y35 <3, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I hate the campaign for the Cod series... Especially in veteran.

    Besides Cod 1, 2, 3 and, 5 had the same theme... Which they all sucked.

    All of the weapons are unfair, why does the mp40 destroy every other gun. Dogs are too overpowered. Because if someone manages to kill 7 people in a row, they really need to get dogs to kill more people. That is not fair at all.

    Artillery is a piece of crap that stuns everyone including allies and basically gets everyone killed.

    The campaign in veteran is 99% impossible, only 3 shots to kill you, and if you hide they spam a shitload of grenades at you, and to top it all off they never stop spawning unless you advance.

    Prestige mode is useless, all it does is make you get destroyed all over again.

    Perks are unbalanced, no one I know has ever used the shades perk.

    Special Grenades are also unbalanced, the signal flare was a stupid idea that does not work, tabun gas cripples people too much. The smoke is about the fairest one.

    Tanks are overpowered and hard to take down even when you attempt to take it out.

    Campaign is just a copy of the Cod4 campaign. Molotov Cocktails, and the Sticky Grenade are garbage and act like regular grenades.

    Games were made shortly after each other, the company is just a bunch of greedy people who want our money... Bungie actually takes time on everything they do.
    #29 RadiantRain, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Y35 you flipflopped a pointless argument, and were wrong. Than when you were wrong, you claimed sarcasm. I realized you don't dislike halo. But your argument isn't legit. Halo3 is not a reskinned Halo2. CoD5 is a reskinned 4. But it also has a lower production value, or rather, less polish than 4.

    CoD5 pisses me off because its a no effort business ploy which is made successful by poor saps who believe it's a legitimate game.
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I flip flopped your argument and i did it to show the other side of it. I wanted you to see that your argument was biased towards your dislike of Cod5. All i did was take each sentence you said and made it into a poor argument. It was an example for you.
    And i said it was sarcasm because it was. If i were to say i hated halo i would not go around and start off by saying i <3 Cod5. The price of Cod has nothing to do with my effect towards halo.

    Halo 3 is not a reskinned halo 2, no ****.
    Cod5 is a reskinned Cod4. So how come you guys all like Cod4 but not Cod5? You explained it minor. The difference is the guns and maps, everything else is almost virtually the same.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I don't like CoD4 lol. I said I respect it. I respect it because it was original. I don't respect CoD5 because it isn't original. What small changes they made are for the worse.
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Oh, well i though you ment you liked it when you said what you did.
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    No, I got it was sarcasm right away, because I knew you wouldn't make such points as that, not to mention you bolded your point after word. However, your sarcasm was very poor. It's like chrst saying that lemons and limes are similar, and you trying to create the same relationship by saying oranges are like tangerines. It's really not quite there.

    However, my point is universal to all that say that WaW is worth every cent. While this does not concern Halo, Halo 3 and Halo ODST are the perfect examples of quality game making, and what should have been done with CoD 4 and WaW. I compared the differences from Halo ODST to Halo 3 alongside that of WaW and CoD 4. Now, take a person who knows nothing of these 2 franchises, and have them read my comparrison (but a more in depth one since they are clueless), and then tell them that one was a $15 expansion, and another is a $60 game. Then ask them to say which is the expansion and which is the game. I think they'd call Halo ODST the game and WaW the expansion. Why? Because WaW was made in a years time, features nothing different but some aesthetic changes and minor game play changes to fit in with the WWII time line, while ODST is going to have a campaign that goes off of the other Halo games story lines, but is an all new experience that took several years to create. However, in reality WaW is the $60 game and ODST is only the expansion, which basically goes against logical thought in the instance I set up. I make this point to show that something that is only an expansion is getting treated with more time and care than an "entire game" and is going to be cheaper too. Doesn't that make WaW sound like a half assed game? To me it does.

    That is why WaW is a **** game in my eyes. If I wanted WaW, I'd get CoD 4 which I already have. When I buy new games, I make sure my hard earned cash is going to a new experience, so if I get bored of one thing I can switch to the other and get immense entertainment all over again. Going from CoD 4 to WaW in an hour won't give me that feeling. Besides this, I don't like CoD 4 anyway. It just lacks the sense of achievement when you get a kill, as well as skill. It has a douche baggy community for the most part, because it allows anyone to get a high kill count fairly easily, allowing the worst egos to have a visual "proof" of their (non)existent skill.

    Anyway, this is not why I am making these points. Spartan asked why people don't like Waw, and I have stated why. Nothing you can say will change my mind, just as nothing I say will change yours (or so it appears).
    #34 X5, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  15. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Thats all i needed.
    I like WaW.
    You dont.
    No need to go around and make false arguments about something we do not know.
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    y35 has spoken for me.
  17. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Alright, I will tell you why everyone thinks that CoD WaW "blows."

    First of all, for anyone and everyone who played Call Of Duty 4, The spawn system was much different. Whenever with or around multiple people, and you died, you would spawn away from the battle zone, allowing you to regroup and go back. However, in WaW, you will spawn in a weighted area (meaning wherever your teammate(s) are) a lot of the time, resulting in a spawn kill for the opponent.

    Also, Just the fact that CoD 4 was the first modernized game of the series, going back to the World War II settings was its own drop off.

    And a lot of people don't like the online play because of some of the things kids will do to get kills. If you were to go into any 'Core' Gametype, 90% of the people will either spray or use steady aim or a combination of both, showing no "gun skill"

    This is coming from me, XDAO SoX. I have played my fair share of games, both public and private, to know why kids dislike this game more than others
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Though I like CoD 4 better, 5 is still a good game and just because it was made using a different engine doesn't mean it horrible.
  19. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Flames and cod together normally end in team killing nubs.
  20. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Same engine, different resources. Different developer, mostly.

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