M.A.G. (Massive Action Game) MAG is an absolutely huge new game, reportedly PS3 exclusive. It features 256 players online, which are all broken down into eight player squads. It looks something like Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, but on a much larger scale. The squads each have a squad leader, which looks to be based on their rank. I'm not sure what the leader traits are yet. The official site shows pretty much nothing, an isn't much better than the modern warfare 2 website at the moment, except it shows an official forum link, with more information. Anyway, official link is here: PlayStation.com New screenshots appear to have 'leaked' as of April 5th 2009 The link to the slide show (which looks really good) is here: MAG The (relatively bad quality) video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN8Jarhlg5I Some random unofficial info, which (in my opinion) is believable due to PS3 forum speculation, is here: NeoGAF - View Single Post - MAG screenshots Feel free to discuss your opinions
It would be better if it was for Xbox 360. So, is this an FPS where there is a commander of a squad of 8? Or is this some stupid RTS for PS3? It would be good if it was a COD4 like squad based FPS. Sounds neat...
Seriously, good luck finding 256 people to play with. It's a cool concept, but extremely unpractical. I can only imagine the lag, the finding match times, and the huge amount of teamkilling for fun.
Man and here I look like an idiot having fun with 16 people on avalanche, I mean you need at least (Thinking) 16 times more player than that.
Well I'm pretty sure the ps3 uses independent servers for games or something like that so it really wouldn't lag.
It will be easy to find a match, Halo has a horrid system. If you've played Resistance 2 you'd understand.
Good concept, doomed to fail. The chances of playing with n00bs in a normal online FPS is probably like 1/6, with the odds going lower as you rank up, in FPSs that have rank. With 256-player battles, you're pretty much guaranteed to play with a n00b squad. Not to mention the fact that 256 players will quickly devolve into their own personal battles. Eh, maybe I'm just jealous.
It actually sounds really fun from what we know. Though it may seem a little unpractical at first, they can still make one helluva trailer.
Well I've never played a game with so many people in a single server. It looks like a fun game and a good concept, so I'd love to be proven wrong :happy:
Yeah I watched this in E3 and wished I had bought a PS3 instead of an xbox. http://g4tv.com/e32008/videos/26995/SONY_Unveils_MAG_At_E3.html
Reminds me of BF2 and BF2142. I remember the ping on my games...even just at 64 players. Spawn killing, vehicle whoring, camping, grenade spamming, you name it, it happened. EDIT: Saw the trailer. Nice game, it looks awesome. I thought there would be more than two factions, but there are only two factions in the game. I wonder if the maximum number of players is 256, but there can be smaller games too.
Or maybe competitive retards will get over the fact there are people that play the game for fun. The graphics have to be heavily toned down though.
I'd put up with mediocre graphics to have 255 people shooting at each other around me lol. "Infection" > "Last man standing" [255 people charge down a hill towards you] Or "Juggernaught" > "You are the Juggernaught" = Oh shi-........
Hmm...what would I do with 255 people? Get a spartan laser, make them line up, and blast the hell out of them. I would get like...a double kill or something...