Dome Defence Made by FootlooseFire Download Map Download Gametype Foreword: This is my first forge hub posted map, but i am by no means a first time forger. I would greatly appreciate all constructive criticism and if I have anything wrong with my post, I will fix it as soon as possible. Without further adieu, onto the map Backround: When I first started this map, I had no idea what would come of it. I began merging random double walls together untill i came upon the idea of a dome-shaped half circle. Starting all over, I began to carefully shape the outline of the map, and everytime an idea came to me, I just added it to the map. The main structure, the dome, has one main entrance and two back entrances. The second floor of the dome spawns after 60 second and the third floor after an additional 60 seconds. The two back entrances are heavily guarded by fusion coils but make it much easier for the zombies to sneak up on the humans. In total, it took me about twenty hours to complete this map and I am very proud of it. When testing it, my only real complaint was that it was "too hard for the humans" which I just take as a compliment. Then again, I was only testing it with a couple of kids that I knew. Many thanks to my main to testers, RebelCow, and meep. They really helped give me some good ideas and give me criticism on what to improve. I am hoping that I will gain enough support on this map to make a v2. K, enough getting off track, its tie to show the basic overview of the map. Weapon List: 3 br's 2 hidden smg's 1 brute shot 2 sniper rifles 1 shotgun Gametype Specifics:In this gametype, zombies are relatively weak, being killed with one headshot with a br, although it takes two body shots to kill a zombie, which rewards the humans for good marksmanship. Every thirty seconds, a custom powerup spawns that makes one zombie better than the others. Due to their pink color, these zombies quickly began to be referred to as pinkies in our testing. they can take 3 times as much damage as a regular zombie and have fast regenerating shields. Other than that, there is nothing particularly special ablot the gametype. Overview: As I said earlier, it is basically a a half circle dome, but there is still a lot more to the map than that. So, its time to bring on the screen shots This is an overview of the area outside of the dome. The long tubes that you see coming down from the ceiling of foundry are the chutes that the zombies come out of. The structures are mainly there for aesthetics. At the very right of the pic u can see the start of the dome structure. This is a picture of the shotgun spawn with the dome in the background. It is in a very hard to reach area and in my testings only twice was someone able to reach it. Its all about risk vs. reward here. The zombies come out of the chute right above the picture. This is the sniper post with the dome in the background. There is one on either side of the map and they are perfect for sniping zombies that are trying to sneak around the two back entrances of the dome. The main entrance for the zombies. Not much more explanation is needed. This is the back entrance. Again, not much explanation is needed. Overview of the first floor. There is nothing special here, just some br's for the humans to survive with. In the back right corner of the map is one of the back entrances from the previous image. Floor # 2 with the third floor removed. Appears after 60 seconds. This is the 3rd floor. It appears 60 seconds after the second floor. A good strategy is to have a few people waiting around the edges of the dome. Action Shots: Picture 1: RebelCow and I attempt to survive a game where the zombies got an early lead. Picture 2: A hoard of zombies rush into the dome. Picture 1: A group of humans hold of a "pinkie"(strong zombie) Picture 2: The last man goes down. Picture 1: Human attacks from above. Picture 2: Zombie attacks from above. Picture 1: Where did the pinky go? Picture 2: U cant see me. Once again if u missed the dl up top, here it is. Once again im looking for constructive criticism and I am hoping to make a v2 if there is enough support. Download Map Download Gametype
wow this looks amazing to the eye. im excited. the whole dome thing would have been great for something like a safehouse! this map however is really good actually. i like the tubes. but could the humans just wait tell they came out and spawn camped? i hope theres other spawns cuz this wouldnt be fun. anyhow i like the dome look and the gameplay looks really dscent. good job
Dang nice looking map! It looks like a lot of fun, and from the looks of it you must have put some time and effort into it. I can't wait to get a party of 7 or so in this. It seems though that humans may be a bit overpowered and will camp by the doors but I'm sure it just looks that way. You have my DL. 4.5/5
I just registered for forgehub literally 15 seconds ago because I wanted to comment on this map. It looks really good and I'm downloading right now. And I wasn't kidding about the registering thing either lol; I've now been an official member for about 30 seconds.
Great aesthetics man,, espically for foundry! I downloaded this map and wrote more than others..Yeah, I downloaded IT!
This does look quite fantastic! I love the aesthetics, the concept, everything! Plus now I have a game to play with my non-mythic friends till 4/9/09... DL for me!
This really reminds me of one of my old maps, but yours is hundreds times better. The design looks great and the interlocking is nice. The platform where the shotgun spawns looks a little bit crooked, maybe straighten that if you're going to make a v2. Other than that, i can't really think of anything else you could change. I'll have to give it a dl and see if i can find anything. So, i gives you a 4/5
thanks for all of the great compliments. The shotgun spawn place is a little bit crooked. for some reason i just couldn't get it to straiten out, no matter what i tried. there are three tube that the zombies come out of so it is very hard to camp at(they also come out of the tubes at about a million miles an hour).
It looks like you are very fond of the fusion coils, it might help removing some so it isn't like your getting bombed when your outside the base. Some fusion coils can be good in a map but they can take away when they're are too many. Try to fix that and this map would be good. Another idea is to build two more smaller structures as temperary bases as the humans are gaining control of the main buliding. put weapons in the armory but don't let them respawn and don't make it a power house. That way once everything runs out they get a punishment for camping and it helps even the game out when the humans have to travel from one base to the next.
Yes, it is true that I am quite fond of fusion coils, and believe it or not, ther were actually a much larger number of fusion coils originally on the map. But I do feel that the current number is a good amount, though i might remove one or two. To me, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a zombie coming through the main gate and quickly shooting a fushion coil to blow it up. Also, I like the bases idea but do you think that this would make the humans just a little too overpowered? Thanks for the criticism. Ill take it into account.
I must say that every time that I read this post it makes me smile, that someone actually liked my map enough to register and just post on my map. Let me know how you think it plays out when you try it. If you need some people to try it out with, you can always add me( my gamertag is the same as my name), and we can get a game going.
The thing that really caught my eye was the amazing interlocking. Everything, especially the dome, looks perfect. One thing that might be a problem is the last man camping outiside the dome in a corner of foundry. That sometimes happens with maps like these unless there's something preventing them from doing it, and as far as I can see, it would be easy to do it.
I did actually have a few last men who attempted to do this in my testing, but you would be surprised as they barely last ten seconds. one quick coordinated attack or an attack by a pinkie will easily take out anyone who hides in the corner of the map and it is a much better option for the last man to just run around. When i first made the map I thought that it might be a problem but I specifically tested that situation and I was surprised when it ended up not being a problem. Thanks for the constructive criticism, and the compliment on the interlocking, I really put a lot of time into it and i am happy that people are taking notice of it
any other comments on what I could improve for a v2? Ill start making one next week maybe if I get one or two more good ideas. Ill probably remake it on sandtrap with a full dome instead of a half-dome. Anyone else think that this would be a good idea? Just want to get some last thoughts in before sandbox maps dominate the custom games forum list.
Wow man, great first map. I really like the chutes that the zombies come out. Perfect merging and interlocking. The aesthetics are great. I will def download and tell you how it plays. Great Job.
one of the first foundry maps i have dled in a while i was playing with a few freinds and they said it was brilliant but could you go a bit easy on the fusion coils gameplay 10/10 awsomeness 10/10 overall 12/10
nice forgeing it must of took you a day or so the map looks wonderful and the forgeing is great it is a perfect 5/5 and a download for me.
the map looks nice, with some great asthetic touches. interlocking is awsome, especially around the main entrance, and i like the way the floors spawn at seperate times, which would prompt some intresing gameplay.
i hate to be the **** in the thread but your geolocks are terrible and you seriously should have put a little more time in its a good map but its lacking in the geolocks section as well as some of the interlocks im fixing it right now though ill provide a link to the fixed version and you can take all the credit okay? DD im good at geolocking trust me
which geomerged part are you talking about? because I only geomerged a few things, unless you are talking about my interlocking, but most people think I did really good on interlocking.