Foundry Trench Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 6, 2009.


    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    Trench wars is a map based on the use of trenches in WW1. There are two opposite facing trenches that fight to gain the most ground. While in the trenches if you crouch you are safe. If you stand up you become a target. The map is made for 4v4, 6v6, 8v8. This is a team work game because you always need people in the trenches to defend and people to risk their lives and make the walk across no mans land. To make attacks harder there is a mine field in the center. Artilery bombs the bases every so often to keep the defenders on edge. There are fox holes in the center of the map to give attackers somewhere to hide.
    Weapons in the Trenches:
    8x Br -no respawn -2 clips
    1x sniper -no respawn -0 clips
    4x shotguns -30 seconds -2 clips
    8x magnum -30 seconds -2 clips
    12x frag grenades -10 seconds

    In the fox holes:
    4x fire grenades -60 seconds
    1x RPG -60 seconds -0 clips
    1x flamethrower -no respawn
    1x sniper -60 seconds -1 clip
    Now on to the map pictures
    map layout
    reverse view
    trench view (pallets block incoming bullets)
    under the trench (spawn and weapon area)
    fox holes (mine in the corner)
    artilery along with controled one.
    custom power up that makes you move fast to encourage attacks.
    You can use man cannons to fly across the area, but just try not to. Plus do not complain when they shoot you in midair when you go off them. Katanas are advised to be taken off because they stick out and you can be seen while crouching in the trenches.

    A few action shots:
    duck to avoid bullets.
    even if you duck you still have to watch out for artilery.
    yet another close call.
    a fox hole can save your life.
    once they are dead push forward, but you still have to look for the alive ones.
    Map Download:
    Gametype Download:
    this is my first competitive map and I plan on making a v2 to fix problems
    Rate only if you download and look at the map.
    It is annoying when there is a bad rating and 0 relpies and downloads.
    #1 THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  2. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    There are many trench maps, and I am sorry but this is just not one of the better ones. Very bumpy, and there are not many trenches. Just holes. I will give this a 7/10 until I play.
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This map would have been very nice, but for right now I am not going to even bother to download, and I think you know why. The concept and layout are very nice, but the part that absolutely ruins the map is the floor. You could have dedicated more time in interlocking the floor. It really helps gameplay. Make a v2 fixing that and any other errors that anybody else finds, and I will download.
  4. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    You definitely should have interlocked the floor. It would look so much nicer if you did. Also, you need to add more cover for the people trying to cross the main area. It doesn't look like anyone would ever make it. I do like the artillery idea though, I don't think I've seen a setup like that before. It has potential but to be honest it looks like you just need to spend more time on it.

    EDIT: Ok I just thought of something, maybe add more trenches in between so that it would be like the teams were moving forward, and set up a checkpoint system for them.
    #4 lefty0904, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    0 the people above me have said, V2, try interlocking the floor. I mean, it looks pretty good as is, but the floor could look better. And a little more cover up top would be appreciated. Good job, though. 7/10.
  6. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    there's no cover on the top. that's a good thing.
    others think its bad, but i like it.
    it's more like the trenches in WW1, and the top is No Man's Land.
    but, i do also think that the floor needs to be interlocked.
    Think about it viewers.
  7. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Well a lot of people do this but i definitely think you should have interlocked the boxes on the floor. The rest of the map looks clean and there are some good ideas such as the turrets. Interlock the floor and maybe add some more cover and you'll be good.
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Fortunately i'm not as much of a stickler about interlocking as other people are. I mean as others said if you want it to be accepted by the majority of forgehub you'll have to interlock the floors, which can be a tedious process (i might suggest making a new version on sandbox when the maps are released this wednesday, as interlocking isn't really necessary).

    Other than than that it looks good, It might be better though if you could find some way to have artillery without mancannons becasue i feel the mancannons would ruin the whole "trench war" experience.
  9. JMMorse017

    JMMorse017 Ancient
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    Some of the ideas in this map are very stable, but it is a bit sloppy. If you were to put a bit of work into certain things such as interlocking the field, removing a few power weapons (just my preference), and also making the artillery function a bit less touchy, or at least a way for the players to jump into the man cannons, I would think that this map could be much better. I'll DL and maybe post later (if I can get bungie account to work)
  10. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    You don't need interlocking if everyhting is straight and neat, but everything if anyhting isn't straight and neat. Very nice concept and originality but the execution and forging skill just isn't there. I suggest a v2 with alot of cleaning it up.
  11. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Finally! a world war 1 style map. 1 major problem though. People walking on the top of the boxes are going to be SOOOOO bumpy with out merging the boxes. definitly a v2. until then 3/5

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