PHLUX Phlux is a very fast paced and competitve FFA map. It is revolved on the three power weapons- shotty, sword, and the rocket launcher. Phlux has a large central structure, which is where the sword is located. On the sides are a few smaller structures with alot of cover. No sniper is on this map due to the fact that it would be too dominate. This map also has the feel and style of an MLG map but with a few little twists. Phlux took alot of time to make- with much interlocking and geomerging. Definately try it out. Screenshots are below. Map Download>
This map seems to be forged very well but im not sure the gameplay would be very good. It seems that people will want to look for more cover and levels to play on. Ill give it a 3/5 but wont download
This map made me go 0_o, but not in a bad way. When I saw the first picture I was like, "Hmm not so great." But when I started to look at potential gameplay of the map, the layout, and the interlocking, I think that this map will play very well. Very nice job. I will DL and get back to you.
I personally don't really like it, it looks too messy. Things look like they were just thrown in the map. Yea you interlocked and geomerged, but it didn't look like you had any reason to. Things are way too uneven. And this might just be me but when people block off the back area of Foundry the wall should at least look decent, not like random things were just stacked.
lefty it only looks messy i can tell thought was put to where everythimg is and i see good interlocking theres only a couple things that make it feel random
Well a pretty nice map. From what I see looks good for FFA. I hope there is a lot of BRs on this map. Maybe just add some more upper levels, it looks a little bland. The interlocking is alright, a little random thought. Overall great job 8/10
I honestly dont think it is too messy, and from my perspective everything seems to be even if not close and i thiink the random objects add a weird feel to the map....
you definetely can geomerge but it's jus so random. you have skills but maybe you should have thought about the design a lil more. srry no DL for this map but i hope that your next map will be worth checkin out cuz you have potential
yea the map does seem to look very good its a 5/5 and a perfect 100% of a download for me keep making maps they look really good unlike some maps and i like the geomergeing and the layout.
It's liked you tryed to really work good on the map, but failed to finish it. It's like an unpolished diamond haha. Try to work a liiiiiittle bit on the wall that's blocking half of foundry and add some cover. 3.5/5 for now.