hey, I was wondering, On sandbox, could you geomerge using a death ball? It seems like a foolproof plan if you also use bracers. Anyways, I was just wondering.:shiver:
Unlike doors, the kill ball's sides stay soft when it settles, so it will not push anything and can't be used for merging.
Unless you wanted to go through the hassle of geomerging the old fashion way using a kill ball. (which would totally fail) but if you used the core of the kill ball you could geomerge with it its just not the same as the door. basically if you geomerge on sandbox you have to go to old fashion way, and if you geomerge using a kill ball the old fashioned way then you fail.
the teardrop method works on sandbox as well. I would still go the old fashioned way though, it isn't bad at all and its very accurate and easy.
what is this wiggle method of which you speak? is it the one where you angle the object and then push it close to something and save quit it ant it stays at the angle?