Introduction Hey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by UoR Ov3rDose, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. UoR Ov3rDose

    UoR Ov3rDose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey alright so I'ma go ahead here and try to follow this five step program haha. Great work on that :).

    Anyways I'm UoR Ov3rDose. You can just call me Overdose, I dont even know where I got the overdose from but the UoR is from my clan ( Its not really a forging clan or anything like that but I just love frogehub. My only two GT are UoR Ov3rdose -duh- and A SavageSmurf, that account is legit 1 game away from his 50 :D.

    I've been pretty much playing games since super nintendo, I turned 16 last november 1st and I'm working on getting my Massachusetts (Where I'm from)license. And for my dislikes, I wont lie... all this red underlining telling me I cant spell haha. I used to do sig work with photoshop CS3 but since then I've stopped. I kept the program just incase I need it but now I just like to look at other peoples art.

    Anyways I'm looking forward to working my way around forgehub, you'll probably see me posting in every forum. I love the maps everyone makes, I'm a real MLG guy but I lOVE my custom infection games once in a while. I give huge credit to all the creative minds out there who can actually make stuff happens. For now my ideas stay in my head, AKA I suck at forge.

    Anyways cya all around, and sry for any typos!

    #1 UoR Ov3rDose, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Hey! What's up?
    I LOVE infection too! I really don't like MLG. Depends what game type it is, though.
    How can you hate forge? You signed up for Forgehub, but you hate forging? This website is all about forging!
    If you have comments, questions, or concerns, PM a moderator, administrator, any person with their name colored, or me.
  3. UoR Ov3rDose

    UoR Ov3rDose Ancient
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    lol I shouldnt say I hate forge. The things that I hate: Merging and Geomerging, getting things to line up.

    Haha they just frustrate me so much, I've really only made a few maps with merging. I love trying out every map possible though no matter wat the gametype is. One weekend I probably downloaded 100 maps off forgehub just to see wat they were like.

    Anyways I might see if I can become a tester but I dont really know. Anyways technically I love and hate forge so I'll edit that haha. thx for the tips too
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Most people hate interlocking and geomerging, but you gotta do it to make a good map
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    How can you hate geo merges, they're fun. Especially when you spend half an hour on one box at a difficult angle, and then when you remove the braces it pops back out and sits there laughing at you. Then you realize that you hadn't saved it. Then it gets really fun. Anyways, welcome to Forgehub :)

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