Center Focus (V2 ON ITS WAY!!) Forged by: Lieutenant Duck Center Focus is full of perfect interlocking and a little bit of geomerging. This map has a few empty spots, like the two open sides and the two areas where nobody ever makes anything, but besides that this map is great for Slayer mainly. Although the only other gametype this map plays good for is King of the Hill, you can edit this map if you like to play CTF etc, but just give me the map credit please. (I may edit this description later) Once this map has 1000 views, V2 will be released. I hope you all will like V2, LOTS of hard work was put into it. Weapon List: Shotgun x1 Magnum x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Battle Rifle x8 Equipment List: Plasma Grenade x8 Power Drain x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Reccommended Gametype: Slayer, King of the Hill Recommended Players:2 to 8 Download Here
im sorry, it looks like you are about 60 percent done with it, if you added some walls and a base concept with maybe a side base, i would dl, but there is not enough on the map yet, looks like a good map so far though . map itself: 3.75 looks:4.25/5 overall: 3.95 woot first post!!
It looks alright, but it doesn't look finished. It just looks like a concept. Try either A) Building something in the back areas, or B) Blocking off the back part.
I agree, now that I look at it though, it could maybe use a second floor, but if anyone has any suggestions for a V2 I will gladly try to forge them. Thanks
it looks quite nice but it seems a little to open but i can see the layout very well and awsome use of geomerging and merging it alwasy wakes the map 110% better just add a little more to it and its perfect.
Alright, if this map gets more famous to the community, I will try a V2 using the 2 corridors and the empty space in the map.
The comments made by the people dont realize that maps dont need all kinds of different types of scenery (walls, fence walls, etc.) i like what he did - make a minimalist map, with basic geometry, that flows well, and seems to have nice elevation. I really like this map, and i'll dl and test later.
I don't really like it, you need to do something about the back areas. It's a good start but I'm sure you still have enough objects to either block off the back sections or add more to them to make it a complete map.
Looks cool and well made, but you should blockoff the 2 back areas or atleast add something back there, otherwise it seems like you spent alot of time geomerging and what not i'll give it 3.5/5 and 5/5 if you finish it up
Exactly, this just doesn't look finished, more structure on the sides need to be added and alittle bit more detail.. But most of your interlocking and Mergin' are very well done, i did notice that the single box that is sideways in one of the pics *looks* crooked, correct me if i'm wrong.
I am hoping to edit what people have suggested, mainly the two back areas, but instead of people telling me to build more, why not tell me what to make. I am going to make a V2 with a second floor and something in the back areas.
Oh my, I've just realized that I don't have a download link! In a couple hours I'll have a DL link for you guys... Sorry! P.S. sorry for double post.
Well it actually does have a lot of open space. You should add some cover on top of the boxes such as A/B signs, boxes, walls. I don' think you need a 2nd floor. Just try to fill in the space a little more. 3/5, its not finished.
The middle of the map and the interlocking seem very nice, but everything else just seems empty. If you didn't use the back parts with the window rooms, how come you didn't block them off? I would do that and then make two bases on the sides of the well forged middle. Good froging you just need to put more time and effort into a map.
Ok guys, everyone who likes my map, and people who want me to add more, i am adding more. im going to add a second floor around the shotgun spawn that curls around the sniper tower, and im thinking to making something in the two bases that i never used, Any suggestions?
how about you work in the back seection of foundry and make bases.... keep the rest as it is, build new structures around it and you'll have yourself one badass map
I like your idea X2Shea, and i have something going on back there, with some wicked geomerging, and if someone could tell me how to block off the doors with walls instead of doors, that would help SOOOO much, thanks guys. If you like this you will love V2, its on its way!