BumperPit Created by XxSpeedDemonxX Supported Gametypes: FFA Slayer Map Description For any of you reading that hasn't seen "HC BumperGhosts" Its a basic game of bumper cars that me and a few friends made up on a very boring day in Halo 2 on Coagulation. We, being my two friends Jake (XxQButtonxX) and Ryan (TerribleTank), made a remake of this classic oldie with the release of Foundry. This map consisted of two garages and a floating platform dubbed "The Stands." Each Garage held 8 ghosts, 2 mongeese, gernades, an EMP (power drain), radar jammer, and a Flare. The stands was a long straight platform that was built out of fence walls, bridges, and stairs. There you would find trip mines, missiles (propane tanks) and small bombs (fusion coils). After I began foreing seriously i noticed that we hadn't used any techniques found here on forgehub accept floating objects and timed map events. Also we made the mistake of dragging an old honor rule (don't shoot with the ghosts) into the remake, which made a lot of heads spin. Thanks to a very helpful review by Bloumbas we discovered that if damage was reduced to zero, the honor rule wasn't needed! Now, with many updates i am re-releasing the map as BumperPit! To make my map better i have used the following: Geo-merging Interlocking Switches KOTH to limit map size. Note: See purple note at bottom of pictures for other changes that could not be shown with pictures!!! Note: Read the Yellow highlights above pictures, they are stressing the changes to the map that CAN be seen in the pictures if you hadn't seen the previous map!!!!! The Map The Garages, shown below, haven't changed much...but Now the Fence walls have interlocked shield doors within them, thus creating "bumper panels" The Stands have changed alot....here's the OLD stands Here is theNEW stands, now featuring a switch! And Two More Platforms! (Both Symmetrical) This No longer Exists because my spawns have been fixed! There are now four of these, as shown in the THIRD ACTION PIC!! ALSO THE CUSTOM POWERUP HAS BEEN REMOVED Now The Mancannons are Geomerged, so no more bumps or trapped drivers! The Action You can stick an oncoming car... But It won't help very much... The power of a simple push of a round yellow button...[Notice the three additional soccer balls, totaling to four.] Carjackers...now with glowing purple weapons...! Head On Collisions...I always die in them... Ok...he can have the platform!! (and yes...you can get a ghost onto the center platform...how i still am not sure...) Other Changes 1] The Explosive Packages, 9 fusion coils that fell from the sky, have been moved from each propane corner to each man cannon corner instead. So, now there's less points for the guardians and more for the players. 2] Originally this map variant included a slayer game type that came with honor rules. Thanks to TrueDarkFusion's idea of using KOTH to limit map size, I was able to create a brand new gametype. The recommended gametype, linked below, is a KOTH game variant that allows players to gain points for kills while ONLY within the confines of the hill. Since the Hill surrounds the entire "arena" then there will be no more spawn killing in the garage to attain a cheap victory. Thanks for your time! I love to fiddle with my maps and make them better so constructive criticism is highly appreciated!!! If you find a break/hole in my map, message me on live, or here so i can fix it!!! I'd like to thank my four testers, XxSwordacoolxX, Terrible Tank, l Dominator 1, and Xx Q Button xX for finding holes and reviewing my map! Download BumperPit Map Variant Download BumperPit Game Variant (w/ weapon damage) Download BumperPit ND Variant (w/o Weapon Damage)
Its cool. Nice interlocking and geomerging. I like the general idea. Simple but nice. But it dosent belong in the race map section. Get a mod or admin to move it to a different section. w/e they think suits the map. Overall. 4.5/5 Just because its a little too simple. It is fun to play with a lot of people though. And in your 2nd pic the stairs look a bit sloppy. Could just be me? yay! first post
Thanks for the positive feedback! Didn't think i would get any for my second post. >.< and the stairs in Pic 2 are from V1 (HC Bumperghosts) the third and forth are from the new map itself and thanks alot, haha I probably would have never noticed that i accidentally put this in race maps, was supposed to go in mini-games >.< i was so tired yesterday haha
It is fun! I played with 16 people and we had a blast! Everyone went straight to the ball xD! 4/5 Nice!
Uhh,yeah,this is better,but it has some flaws still.Try to make it better by adding scenery,aseithics,and some more explosives.I liike the concept,5/5.The forging overall is a 4/5 and a 3/5 for originality.4/5 overall.Good job dude.You are a swell addition to forgehub.
Yea a mod can move this. (you problably know that) So um oh i didnt know that about the first pic. I just finished a game with 13 people on this map. All but one liked it. I booted that one. Overall. After gameplay and having too much fun Its now a 5/5
Thanks for the comment! Forgot to mention in the post that there are two explosive "packages" that spawn three floors above the mancannons in each corner. They're nine fusion coils a piece and pack a nice punch, enough to send a ghost flying. So i think the explosives are covered!
Do people get points for kills or is it like regular KOTH, where they get points for being in the hill? I think that the description should be a little more descriptive, I don't completely understand. But I'll download and try it out to see how it works, looks fun.
Thanks for pointing that out for me. :] I felt like i was missing sometihng. Anyways, In V1 [bumperghosts] there was a honor rule that stated you could only kill in the Arena (past the fencewalls/big open space) so changed the gametype to KOTH so that you could ONLY get points for killing people within the hill, and not by just being in the hill alone. So if you do spawnkill in the garage, you can't win. And thanks, i'll change that now in the full post! :]