Download: Turn Halo 3 File Details Download: The Oven Halo 3 File Details ------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Please go easy on me i just joined forgehub and this is my first post. I didnt know how to name the HTMLs or anything. The Oven is lots of fun for how simple it is. The Zombies are the cookers with spartan lasers and the humans have SMGs. The Humans are on fence walls while the Cookers are under the aiming spartan lasers at them. You must survive the cookers for 3 minutes (Because of this Bubble shield is only used twice in the game.) Turn on The Oven is deffinitly one of the most hectic and fun games ive played. Overview of The Oven (roof was removed to show inside. Look below at the Angle screenshot to see the merged bridge roof.) Bubble and Flare (and human spawns surrounding) NOTE: Bubble shield has a Respawn time of 120 while the Flare has one of 30. Zombie Spawn An angle From the Cookers point of view Me getting an overkill with the laser ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading and if theres anything wrong with the map or my post please tell me. Download map: Halo 3 File Details Download gametype: Halo 3 File Details Note: If you have the right map and gametype it says: Turn on The Oven -------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: I DID NOT COPY OFF SPLAZER EVADER OR HOBO HEIGHTS. I personally have never heard of these maps until now, so sorry for the originality factor.
1st!!! very cool concept. I lonst interest in foundry maps due to very good maps on sandbox. but, this map caught my eye. It doesn't look like it would be very fun w/ only 2-3 people, but if you have a big party with a lot of people, i think this would be amazing, you have my DL. 4/5 And very good merging. maybe make the top of the oven curl over so that the humans can't escapape. I havn't played yet so idk how tall the wall is.
Haha wow this looks really entertaining for being so simple. Neat concept, and I almost laughed out loud when I saw the name "Turn on the Oven". Cool minigame, and I'm sure with a party of 10 or so, this is fun as H E Double Hockey Sticks!! You got my DL!
Thanks Thanks for the feedback guys!! And the humans cant escape there is a interlocking bridge roof at the top. If there are any areas that need touching up id be happy to make a v2 Thanks for the positive comments. -King 10011 PS: Bos45redsox i love ur stickball map. Great twist to grif
I love your idea! Looks like a blast, man. Could you include a few more details about the equipment and how they work in the game? Maybe tell us about the respawn times, cause no one wants an insta-spawn flare =P And i'm not sure if the camo would help the zombies much, because they'll have their lasers charging full time. But this looks great and you did a great job for your first post! If you ever need anyone to play this with, send me an invite ^.^
dude this map is KICK ASSSS especially if its your first. the interlocking is REALLY NEAT and the spawms are all well setup. the only thing id change would be a shield door over the zombie spawn, to stop camping i guess. 4.75/5
Unfortunately someone had already made a map like this. But this looks very clean and a sexy-looking impromptu remake. I played the 'original', it is very fun. Also, congrats on getting it together with your post and supplying pictures and download links. Many fail to do this.
Epic is right...there are two featured maps that are nearly identical to this one...Hobo Heights and An Open Fire. The concept is fun, and can get hectic...but there's only so much you can do with jumping around and dodging stuff.
Not that original of an idea, been done before using larger area with flamethrowers/firebombs. As well there has been maps of this nature where there was a wall of fence walls that you run around whilst trying to avoid being lasered. The actual forging is average and not in anyway unique, but still brings another game to the plate. 2/5
Mmk Thanks guys. ill change some things The buble shield is 120 and the flare is 30. Sorry about the originality ive never heard of those other maps like this. Thanks for the feedback guys.
This idea has been done before in a way (Hobo Heights), but still a very good variation on the original. The merging on the map is very good, but it seems to be a very straightforward gametype. However, I prefer yours mostly because there is more breathing room. A roof to the arena might be needed, or did you take it off for the screenshots? A good download all in all. 4/5.
K Yea i took off the roof for screenshots there is a merged bridge roof to block off escape. --------------------------------- And to reply to all the people saying i copied: I have never heard of hobo heights or splazer evader. So flame all you want about something i didnt know existed. -------------------------------- Anyway thanks for the comments.
it's a lot like hobo heights and splazer evader, but who's to say that doesn't make it fun? its some pretty fine interlocking and there's plenty of room for movement.