The weapon lay out still is somewhat odd but I`ll adjust, hopefully. I wish there a few more screenshots though also. Overall its pretty :lol:, fine.
3 pictures is standard practice for Featured map threads. We've found it to be the best balance between showing off the map well and providing a short, sweet thread that sits well on the front page and draws people in. If you're keen to check out the map in more detail before downloading then just click on the "Original Thread" link at the bottom of the OP, Val has been more than helpful in his original thread with a great description, nicely interspersed with highly useful pics to make it less of a wall of text, and it also includes various action shots to get more of a feel for how it might play. Feature thread formats aren't changing, there's no need when both the original and Feature threads cover all angles working in tandem.
I bet some of you would like to know that val stole this map. the kid he stole it from, his gt is Skittlemeister0. and he made the map a long time ago before this was featured. skittle is my friend and you will have hell to pay val
I think this just made my day, lol. A27 Starwolf, I would be 100% certain the map is actually skittle's... because I can guarantee you it isn't. Check the creation date of his map compared to this one. Skittles has a bad rep around these parts.... and you wonder why...
I assure you that i made this map. Countless witnesses saw this map during construction and i would never steal anyones map. My previous maps can vouch for my skill in order to construct this. It has my name on it and there is no evidence you have that can disprove it is mine. I am quite offended by this post. I seriously thought people in forgehub would have more honor than to try anything like this.
why what on earth did he do? I am sorry but the fact that skittle made a map identical to this one is a bit strange huh
Perhaps Skittles isn't as honest of a person as you may think him to be... but that couldn't possibly be it, could it now?
what did skittle do eh? are you saying what I am saying is impossible? I think something should be done, how about by someone who is not one sided? (that would be you or I)
first off congrats on making the featured list, for the map i like it allot. The landing pad is really cool especially since you added the teleporters to be the lights. The rest of the map is also well crafted this map is really good i will give this a 5/5, you definitly deserved for this map to be featured nice job!
This map looks really cool, Its always fun watching people who dont only use foundry and use more maps
This is an excellent map, but I thin there should be a little more detail to the map. Use thins like fusion coils and the such, but all in all nice map.
I have had this map and had nothing to do one day and i hadn't really played on it, the map was just sitting in my maps so I got a few friends together and we played on it, and this map is very fun and fairly well made so you might want to give it a try(8/10).
This map looks awesome from the description ,i;m gonna download it now.the interlocking on the landing pad looks awesome and colur coding must have taken ages.