This was a random question that came up today when I was eating with a group of friends at Wendy's (don't ask for details). If your life could be like any video game character's, which would you choose? At the moment, I would choose to live like Sonic. :sonic: I mean really, I get to run really fast, take out a bunch of robots and minions, and not die because I'm a main character. :squirrel_rockinglus I get a third party appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
This is very similar to "which superhero would you like to be" thread. I guess it's not though. Sorry, I just decided to point that out. Good bye.
I would be Link. He's so awesome. The outfit, the lack of talking, the weapons, the gadgets... all cool. Plus, living in the Zelda universe would be sweet as hell. On behalf of the thread starter, thank you for your participation.
OT was made for a reason? Jak, from Jak and daxter. Evil and good powers plus huge kickass guns. Fast hoverboard and sweet cars, plus hi-jacking. Sex in a can if I may say.
I'm not sure if this belongs here or OT. I guess I'll let another mod decide; I'm leaning towards OT but I could see it either way. How about Commander Shepard from Mass Effect? He seems like a kinda guy you'd want to be...don't know why. Or Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell.
James Bond from the James Bond games anyone? Preferably living as him in one of his newer games where the graphics are better though...
who would i want to be or who would i want to live like? there is a difference. i would want to be dmitri petrenko from cod 5 russian campaign. i would want to live like the Arbiter.
i would want to be like auron from final fantasy x but if i could actually be someone i would be a forge monitor seiously thoug you could make items randomly appear like large stone blocks and throw them at people
Well since 50 cent has his own game.... jk I wouldn't want to be a washed up jackass. Malcolm for the UT series, he doesn't die, he is probably mega rich, and he kicks everyone's asses with his kick ass armor.
The Albanian guy from Far Cry 2. Spoiler Except at the end I would choose to deliver the diamond but not kill myself after I do it.
Well, being the raccoon Mario, while having the ability to fly, wouldn't seem very appealing when every night I would have the strange urge to find garbage cans and eat trash... Niko Bellic, while that sounds very cliche, would have to be my pick. Who doesn't want to be a kickass Easterner who can't die (notice how the police shoot him after he destroys a hospital, and then is revived in the same hospital), and speaks with a dialect?
i would love to be Cole Train from GoW. Hes frikin awesome, has sweet catch phrases, and hes black.. plus he dominates
Are there any video game characters that just sleep all day and then party at night? If there are then...yea that