Spectac Swirl

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by SpEcTaCuLar Ra, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    Description: I know, it's another Foundry map but this one is the best I've made so far. This was my first attempt to making a battletracks map and a racetracks map at the same time.This map has a long left bank turn that is really smooth to drive on and makes it fun and challenging when you're doing battletracks. This track can also be tournament style for racetracks gametype and also has an uncheatable destination. Please reply and give some constructive criticism. Hope you enjoy.

    YouTube - Halo 3 Racetrack: Spectac Swirl


    Bridge Hill after start

    Wall Bank turn



    Double box turn



    Stairs Bank


    Turn after destination

    Wallride Back to start

    Well That's It. Hope You Like the Map!!!!

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    #1 SpEcTaCuLar Ra, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    OK I will edit this post because since I had already posted on it and we were supposed to post on the maps we bring to Sarge's TGIF sooooo here we go.

    I love this track. It is the best in your Spectac series. It doesn't have the most original layout in the world but it is forged to perfection.

    All of your turns are incredibly smooth and I love the first hill made out of bridges. My only complaint with it is the placement of the shield door in pic 8. I found myself hitting the fences right before it instead of the shield door sometimes. If you could move the shield door back a little, that would fix it.

    So all in all, this racetrack is very good. 4.5/5
    #2 AceOfSpades, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  3. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    This isn't bad at all. And you did a nice job keeping battletracks in mind, its very open. I especially like the aesthetic look of your first pic- I haven't seen that type of layout before. As for gameplay, it runs very smoothly, and for those really sharp turns you offer shield doors for bounce. I haven't found a place to cheat yet either :p. Great job!
  4. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This is a really great race map. you kept it simple, yet you made it flawless. Interlocking is amazing and looks incredibly smooth. my favorite part is the stairs bank turn. it looks cool and also is smooth.
  5. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
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    I'm not a racing fan myself but I still like how the maps are built and it would seem that you have done a great job! The twist is neat in both interlocking and how it is built, plus the gameplay seems to play well. I give you a 8.5/10 for interlocking and map design, although I like what you done so keep it up!
  6. TheBobulator

    TheBobulator Ancient
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    Great Race map, very smooth roads and awesome interlocking. Still, it is a little unoriginal, but it's fine. I need to clear up my HD then DL this! 9/10!
  7. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    nice map, i think all the "spectac" series are great. i already downloaded this- gameplay is fun for battle tracks and racetracks with a party of 8. great interlocking, geomerging, you really are one of the best race map makers in the whole... etc. etc. etc. 5/5
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Wow dude, nice map! The banks are very smooth and I really like the stairs bank. I also like how the map kicks off at the start because the bank reminds me of driving a mongoose on Narrows. I see no reason to give you a 5/5 seeing as you designed the map in the best fashion. Great job overall.
  9. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Dayum son. You are releasing maps like its no tomorrow. All of them are extremely smooth, showing your skills with interlocking. All of your previous maps have had at least one slight design flaw which has caused me to not keep it on my harddrive, but this one has a very simplistic design that flows well and is a blast to play, and I am happy to say that this one's a keeper. The interlocking is stellar, and the shield doors are placed well to keep you moving at top speed around the track. Everything works wonderfully. The only small error is the first ramp is a tad rough due to the steep grade of the geomerged starting bridge. A very fun track. JimP factor: 87% Can't wait for your next track.
  10. lewis kf22

    lewis kf22 Ancient
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    this map was amazing for BT, there was so much room to shoot... and nice interlocking, i love it.
  11. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Thanks for the great reply. I'm glad you like it and that bridge did seem like a problem to me also. I might try to find a way to fix it. And im glad you want to keep the map. I have more coming. :)
  12. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Nice. The best of the series. The turns are great and the interlocking is smooth. Cheatproof and the turns heading up. 5/5
  13. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    OMG, this looks awsome! I see no flaws in this, and am happy to say it should work fine for BT! The length is very long and the interlocking is done expertly. This deserves a DL from me, and from what I can see 4.8/5 nice job!
  14. drssoccer55

    drssoccer55 Ancient
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    This is a great map and by far the best race track I have played. Its impossible to cheat and Ive played this map with a bunch of friends. I really like the design.
  15. DrAyMeHr

    DrAyMeHr Ancient
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    Awesome, this looks very promising, having a race contest with my brothers. This looks like a fun one to play =] on the DL now, probably being tested in about 10 mins, if i dont reply, it means that i can't fault this map and will be playing it for aages :p Good work!
  16. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    A Great Racemap. Seemless interlocking, perfect merging and great design. I also love the dumpster ramp. It looks pretty sweet. I'll Download. 5/5
  17. BLiZzY

    BLiZzY Ancient
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    .......i havnt played on this raa. we play together 4 days a week and i havnt played on this one. BTW i have an insane idea for a map

    ...Cant wait to play on this baby!!
  18. PIZZA S4UC3

    PIZZA S4UC3 Ancient
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    looks better than most foundry tracks i like how u made the big u turn looks good

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