Foundry Covenent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Beeny95, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    Hey guys I'm back with a second map called Covenent. It is half the size of foundry and is asymmetrical. I find quite fun and so do many others, you can come up with some great tactics, and my friends have already made their own call outs for the map.

    The story behind the map is that your in a warehouse(duhh) and the coevenent have controlled it. It is up to the UNSC to reclaim it.

    There is one occurrence of geo-merging in this map, and the rest is neat and tidy apart from two gay bridges... Anyway the map was easy to make and has been updated from tests with mates. But I hope you like it.

    • This map is made for Slayer, King Of The Hill, Teratories, Oddball, Capture The Flag and Infection
    • The turrets do not respawn after broken
    • 2 plasma pistols for taking out the ghosts spawn near the area after 1-2 minutes
    • A spartan laser spawns after 1-2 minutes for the Ghosts asswell

    Anyways on with the pictures

    This is the overview of the defenders side​


    This is the overview of the defenders side

    Here is the defenders main base

    This is the attackers main base

    This is 'B' turret​


    This is 'A' turret, (or 'AB' turret)

    Action shots, W0000P!

    Dumpster take-off!​


    Disabled my Ghost :(


    Trick jump into attackers base​


    You lasered my other Ghost, double WAMMY​


    Download: Covenent
    #1 Beeny95, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This is an interesting layout. It has a great idea, but it just forged to its full potential.. The shield door and fence walls kind of look tacky everywhere. And the weapons should be alittle bit more spread out, rather than 2 brs and 2 brute grenades on the same barrier. Try fixing it up with more interlocking and removing 1 ghost.
  3. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    It does look very clean, so props for that. It seems like all the power weapons and the ghosts might be overkill if that makes sense. The people that weren't on turrets or in ghosts would probably just be dying all the time. But I guess that would make it interesting, because gameplay would be about controlling those things. Oh and I didn't see any gay bridges haha. it seems like it could be fun though so nice work.
  4. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    true, I thihnk that the shield doors look overwhelming, i will definetely try out some thing else to replace some of the shield doors. Thanks for the coment :)

  5. drssoccer55

    drssoccer55 Ancient
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    I like the idea of blocking off half of the map instead just using the rectangular middle for a map but also doesn't look very clean
  6. Eaglrys BR iZ GoDly

    Senior Member

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    This is a cool layout, very different from others. It has a nice feel to it also, considering all the cover is useful. It really has this feel to it that makes it unique. Even though the variation in levels isn't the best it really lives and feels amazing.
  7. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    totally agree. I would have been cool to of haven a platform in the sky accessed by the bridge area, but I had no money left over. Next time I will be using money glitched maps.
  8. beastness

    beastness Ancient
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    nice job. i think u should maybe add a warthog for the attackers to even the playing field. It seems like the defenders can easily attack the attackers and hold them off. the layout is nice making more than 1 option to choose from when attacking. overall 4.5/5. keep forging!
  9. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    a good map apart from the rampant misspelling of Covenant. i like how there's still enough room to splatter people with the ghosts even though it's small. 4/5
  10. Confused Grunt

    Confused Grunt Ancient
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    This maps looks really good and could be fun. I would just say that you should get rid of some of the clutter. Also, try to make the shield doors looke more appealing to the eyes some how. The gameplay looks pretty good, but the asthetics could use some work. Also try some more geomerging and interlocking. I'd also get rid of 1 ghost I think.
  11. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    Well thanks everyone for the feedback, and 1 download yey.

    Anyway, I gather that you all want one less ghost, sort the shield doors out and better weapon placements.

    I will definately edit the shield doors, I will play around with the weapon placements, but the Ghosts don't respawn, so I thought that they where fine. They usually go soon anyway, they are lots of grenades to take them out.

    Also I am probably going to do a second versio in Sandbox, so if any takes interests then add me, Beeny95, and help out with the map.
  12. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    The layout is good, but is all the shield doors necessary?
  13. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    No, I will be updating it today hopefully, and will add the updated pics.
  14. awsome forge friend

    Senior Member

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    this map was really fun i downloaded the map and played with a few of my friends and it had spectacular gameplay keep making the maps.
    also i like the layout and you forged it very good way to go.
  15. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not my kind of map but good work tho 3.5/5
  16. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have only got 7 DL's please download!

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