The Blue Ninjas TheBlueHaze and Ninjas Samples: Spoiler TBH: Donii: Type: (signature, avatar) Render or Stock(render will be easier to edit/ make look good. you can go to ): (link) Style: (Dark, light etc.) Colors: Text: Size: ( Dimensions ) Requests: Pending: Completed: Icecikle Execute HunTedMeat
Type: Type: signature Render or Stock: Punk'd Parliament stock 75 by *Tigg-stock on deviantART Style: light and bright Colors: anything that looks good, I like blue Text: Ice Size: Whatever looks best (Just testing the shop)
Type: Signature Render or Stock: here Style: Dark Colors: Anything that looks good, preferably dark red or grey Text: Cant kill me + my GT HunT3dMeat on top of it Size: Anything PS: Could you get rid of the background and remove the scoreboard.Thanks
Thanks dude! Thats awesome. No need for any changes, its perfect. Well, the the v2 looks perfect. The first one makes me seem kinda pathetic,lol.
Type: signature Stock or Render: Style: Medevil Colors: Prefferably dark colours, E.G dark Red Text: Silent Killers Size: 300x200 max