ive always been curious what button layout most people play one wether its bumber jumpers or default or boxer any button layout. i play on bumber jumper cause its good for my br.
I play on bumper jumper because it is the most comfortable setting and it is useful for ninjas. I average 10 assassinations a game in doubles or multi team.
Have you tried ninjas? It's when there is someone coming up behind you and you jump over their head and assassinate them.
yea i did that in a one v one today i was 1 shot and ran away and he came around the corner then i jump over him killing him with a ghandi or ninja how ever you perfer it
wow thats insane that seems extremly hard to get but nice though ive only got a triple doing that it shouldnt have even been a triple
Sorry guy, but there's already a stickied thread about this. Don't worry though, you're not the first person to not see it (I did this too )
o thank god i thought i was going to get infracted again thank god hey american what is your gamertag can i add you
Sure! My gamertag is the same as my username. I'll be on all day tomorrow, but my FL is full, so I'll remove someone tomorrow morning.
ok thanks are you good at forgeing cause i need help on a map if not than thats fine but i will be on to probably around 1 cause its 4:12 in the morning and im still no asleep so yea
True that, sorry. I saw the OP post their button layout too, so I assumed that it was a thread covering both. The thread's fine, sorry to cause a kerfuffle
CONTROLLER LAYOUT Thumbstick Layout - Default Button Layout - Bumper Jumper Senstivity - 3 Vibration- ON [OFF] Inversion- ON [OFF] Claw- [YES] NO Toggle Crouch- [YES] NO
I used to use defult with about 5 sensativity No I use bumber jumber becouse it alows you to aim and jump at the same time ( u dont need to move ur thumb from the thumstic u aim with to jump) and sensativity at 8 couse i like jump on peoples heads and assasinate them and for that u need to turn fast i keep my crouch on hold becouse i cant crouch jump with toggle
I just switched to Bumper Jumper and it is way better. It lets you aim and jump/melee at the same time which is a pretty good advantage over default. I also have inverted aim, I don't know if that is weird or not.