i dont see why they dont allow any weapon starts. it makes more sense. they have every power weapon (except fuel rod gun i think) for starts, but they dont allow some of the iconic weapons of halo to be starts? i mean, a grav hammer is much less used in halo than plasma rifles used to be. if you showed anyone a plasma rifle tey would immediately think halo. but some people who see a rocket launcher might think "shooting game" instead....
Well I'm glad to see people are as upset as I am. I wish it could be like in Halo 1. You know long range, accurate, kickass, a real weapon that is superior to the Assault Rifle the way alien weapons should be. But for balance sake they have to leave it be, I'll still use it but my memories of the good old days of Halo 1 will remain.
Oh don't. My friend used to annoy the hell out of me by constantly taking me down with the Plasma Rifle in H1, it was just insane as a weapon. Not only was the range and accuracy a deciding factor, but the freezing effect it had on you was just ridiculous. Fact is, it didn't matter. Much as it was overpowered and unbalanced, like many other weapons on H1, the Pistol was so much more insane that none of it mattered . I for one am quite glad to see the Plasma Rifle downgraded to a balanced support weapon that actually fits in to the wider spectrum, although it still annoys me how dual Plasma Rifles can rip a player apart from full shields without even needing to beat down. Something that can take down shields so fast should NOT be able to kill so easily, and Plasma Rifles should only be a good dual wield option with standard automatics if you ask, just a little silly otherwise.
well...thats the point of dual weilding. plus theres only a handful of maps that include plasma rifles, much less 2 right next to eachother. and SMG's can beat an AR easily as well. they are not considered "overpowered"
i like plasma rifles but they are a bit overpowered and like spades said you cant even put them on avalanch there like rasicst agianst the covenant
i dont think they are overpowered unless dual weilded. and again, thats the point of dual wielding. a competitive edge. if i dual wielded maulers or spikers and got a killing spree would i be called a noob? no. because these weapons are generally overlooked as genuine dual-weild power weapons. but if i do the same with dual SMG's or PR's, im suddenly a n00bz0r f4gg0t. honestly, if you think PR's are overpowered, look at the other weapons you can dual weild. i guarantee you that dual maulers will beat dual plasmas in short range. plus, like i said before, there are only a handfull of maps that there are 2 plasma rifles next to eachother in. the only one i can think of honestly is the pit.